How to write quickly and well
Productivity / / December 23, 2019
Each person writing, whether the eminent writer, journalist or just an ordinary blogger, would like to see from time to occurrence in the head article threads and up to the final point as short as possible, and the quality was stable high. Especially this issue is relevant for people who earn a living with writing, because it is the speed and quality will directly depend on their earnings. Although writing classics like on forces far not for everyone, work quickly and professionally it is possible to learn. In this article you will learn about some methods that will help you to do this.
Prepare materials to work, but not during
If you have to write the material on the subject that requires a large number of additional references, quotes, facts and illustrations, then try to prepare them before you start writing. There is no surer way to stretch the work on the article than to be distracted from the process of searching for the right information. You go to the link for one, there lies something else, go to the website a complete stranger and as a result go back to your text in a few hours. It is unacceptable.
Do you have a plan?
This is one of the main ways to save time and create a strong and clear material.
Write a plan. As would be clear in your head you were not the subject and content of the material of the future, pre-write his brief outline. This may be the section titles, the basic idea, just specific keywords - as you wish. The main thing that you need to plan in advance the way in which you have to, and that will stick. This will save you from the situation in which the author begins fall, when you start to write a novel, and you can not even nakoryabat a short story, or vice versa, you sit down to write notes in the wall newspaper, and you can not turn to the end, even after the fifth pages.
Go forward without stopping
One of the biggest pitfalls that lie in wait for us in the work - is the desire just to do it right and clear. We try to just create the perfect text to use perfectly correct speed and immediately come up to fight on the spot severity. As a result, we are working on every paragraph of an hour, rewrite, supplement and erase. In general, skidding in one place, while the inspiration for a long time already has left us for this routine fuss.
So if you feel a creative upsurge, then do not stop for a minute and write, write, write. Let this be sloppy or incomprehensible, but you immediately to set out all the thoughts that yet you have. And then will return and will be sanded, bringing his text to shine.
Set the timer
Timer - a great thing. Perhaps not everyone loves him, but no one person on whom this method would not work. Just set the timer for 15, 20, 25 minutes and write, on what not distracted, until it stops. Once this happens, get up from the table and take a break. Can this technique to label Pomodoro, Can any other pleasing to your ear word - most importantly, it works.
Stop press Backspace
Do you know why this is key in almost all keyboards increased size? Because it is one of the most click here! You, I and many of our colleagues on the shop inspired lupasim this button over and over again, removing the wrong word or the wrong sentence. Hundreds and hundreds of unnecessary clicks.
Stop doing that. Just learn the keyboard shortcuts Ctrl + ← and Ctrl + Shift + ←.
Learn keyboard shortcuts
If you write a lot and want to do it faster, you still can not avoid it. Just consider how much time is spent on formatting headers, italics, insert links and images by using toolbar buttons, and how to do it faster klaviturnymi combinations. No need to sit down and learn all in a row - to highlight those operations that use often, and replace them with a single hotkey.
Errors, commas, references, foreign words
Oh, this word I made a mistake!
You stop, go back and fix, then move the cursor to the current position, remember, about what you wrote. How many seconds have passed?
The same applies to foreign words and links. Each time you switch the layout, searching for and inserting the desired link, you interrupt your flow of creativity, to renew after that may not be so easy. So leave all these problems for later, on the stage of "prichosyvaniya" text. That's when you quietly fix all errors and set up links and foreign names.
Check, unwind and re-check
Once you have written the text and put a final point, the work on it does not end there. Rather, you have only made it half. Now you have to fix all the errors, to place commas, change bad phrases and repetition. After that is a bit to relax, to do something else, or just have fun. After some time, read your text with fresh eyes, and if it you are completely satisfied, only then we can say that the work is done.
And what professional secrets of working with texts you can share?
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