ChatGPT Tip: What You Can Use a Beer Opener for
Miscellaneous / / April 28, 2023
AI suggested five options for using the tool, among which there are not the most obvious ones.
In this section, we broadcast advice from the ChatGPT chat bot, asking him various questions. We supplement such articles with images authored by another neural network - midjourney. Total: two artificial intelligences and I, an enslaved author, will convey to you the right or just ridiculous thoughts. And you don’t have to figure out how to set up a neuron to do the same yourself - although you can try, here instruction.
Our new question touches on the topic of life hacks and sounds like this: “What can I use a beer opener for?” Here is what the neural network answered (spelling and punctuation preserved).
ChatGPT advice
The beer opener, in addition to its main function - opening bottles of drinks, can be used for other purposes.
For example:
- Like a can opener: some models of beer openers also have the function of opening cans.
- Like a tool to open closed doorsA: In some situations where you don't have a key, a beer opener can help open the door.
- Like a cap removerA: A beer opener can help you remove caps from cans, bottles and other containers that are not designed to open drinks.
- As a cable management tool: Some models of beer openers have a built-in cable stripper for stripping wires.
- Like a hole puncher: Some models of beer openers have sharp edges that can be used to drill small holes in soft materials such as wood or plastic.
However, we should not forget that using a beer opener for purposes other than opening bottles can damage or even destroy it. So if you plan to use it for other tasks, make sure it's safe and won't damage the tool.
What else do you use an opener for? Write in the comments and ask questions that you would like to address ChatGPT. The best of them will become the basis for the following articles of the rubric.
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