What examinations should be taken by women who care about their health
Miscellaneous / / April 26, 2023
Expert advice
1. Gynecologist
When nothing bothers you, it's still worth seeing a doctor at least once a year. He will check the presence of erosions, benign tumors - papillomas and warts, take an analysis of the microflora of the vagina. In order for the smear to show the correct result, you need to wait until the end of your period and before visiting the gynecologist for 1-2 days abstain from sex. On the day of the appointment, you can not use antibacterial soap and take antibiotics, and it is undesirable to go to the toilet three hours before the smear. Flora changes can speak about inflammatory processes of the pelvic organs. In this case, the doctor will recommend treatment.
In addition, after the start of an intimate life, all women need additional hand over smear for cytological examination. This is necessary in order to catch dangerous changes in the cervix in time.
In Russia, cervical cancer every year find in 17 thousand patients. In the early stages of the disease may leak asymptomatic. But if it is possible to detect it at this time, then the chances of successful treatment
highly. You can take a smear for cytology free of charge under the compulsory medical insurance policy during the medical examination. If you are under 39 years old, then it is recommended to take it every three years, and if you are over 40, then every year.You can sign up for such an examination at the registry of your clinic or on the State Services portal through the service "My health». Regular medical examinations are supported by the national project "healthcare». It also helps improve the diagnosis and treatment of cancer. For example, thanks to the national project, outpatient cancer care centers and new equipment appear in the regions.
More details2. Dermatologist
People with fair skin, red hair, a lot of freckles and moles should be especially sensitive to their health. If you find yourself on the list, be sure to see your doctor once a year. He will check suspicious areas with a dermatoscope, a special device that allows you to get an enlarged image of the skin and discover the first, invisible to the human eye, signs of melanoma. By the way, the likelihood of developing a malignant neoplasm affect heredity, skin trauma and burns of 3-4 degrees.
Women not at risk are advised regularly inspect moles on their own. Alert should be a change in size, bleeding, crusts, itching and pain. Spots of non-uniform color with uneven or asymmetrical edges are considered dangerous. If the mole has changed in at least one parameter, you should immediately consult a doctor.
3. Cardiologist
It also needs to be visited once a year. At least in order to do an ECG, listen to the heart rate and measure the pressure. In addition to this basic minimum, a cardiologist can determine the risk of developing coronary heart disease or a heart attack in the next 10 years. When making a prognosis, the doctor takes into account many factors: gender, age, weight, and even addiction to nicotine. Therefore, for a complete picture at the reception, it is worth capturing the results of the analysis for the level of cholesterol in the blood and the pressure indicators obtained on different days.
By the way, the habit of using a blood pressure monitor at home will help to detect another dangerous condition in time - hypertension. The fact is that high blood pressure often does not manifest itself in any way, but in the end leads to other diseases: from kidney failure to stroke. Detect problem may even at the age of 30, so everyone needs to measure indicators several times a year. If the device from time to time shows 140/90 and above is a reason to see a doctor.
1. On blood glucose levels
It should be done once a year to catch diabetes. Blood can be taken from a finger, but a venous test is more accurate. Need to come to the lab on an empty stomach, but it is allowed to drink some water without gas. On the eve of the study, it is recommended to exclude alcohol, fatty, spicy and fried foods. Result from 6.1 to 6.9 mmol/l indicates for prediabetes. This means that carbohydrate metabolism disorders have already occurred, but the rate is not yet high enough to talk about a disease. By the way, in Russia with such a state live 20 million people aged 20 to 79. If there is more glucose in the blood 7.0 mmol/l The illness has already begun.
Sugar can jump up during pregnancy. This phenomenon is called gestational diabetes. Often the problem is found not because of the patient's complaints, but precisely according to the results of the tests, so it is important to undergo prenatal screenings on time. As a rule, after childbirth, glucose levels decrease, but in the future, a woman and her children are more likely to develop type II diabetes.
2. On the level of cholesterol in the blood
This analysis also needs to be taken annually. The norm is considered result from 3.1 to 5 mmol / l. If your cholesterol levels are higher, your doctor may order additional tests to rule out risk heart attack and stroke. The preparation rules are standard: a light dinner without alcohol and no breakfast until the laboratory assistant takes the blood.
Without an examination, it is quite difficult to recognize malfunctions in the body due to cholesterol. Sometimes hidden signs can be small yellow nodules on the eyelids, pain in the heart, jumps in blood pressure, spider veins on the legs. Such symptoms should not be ignored, it is better to immediately make an appointment with a specialist.
3. For thyroid hormones
It regulates metabolism, supports the cardiovascular and reproductive systems. Hormonal imbalances can greatly affect your well-being and health. Therefore, once a year hand over blood test - normal level of thyroid-stimulating hormone located within 0.4–4.0 mU/l. In addition to the usual preparation, on the eve of the examination, it is recommended to cancel training and physiotherapy.
Deviations in the work of the thyroid gland meet 5 to 8 times more common in women than in men. Crashes sometimes provoke infections, severe stress, malnutrition. Irritability, poor sleep, pallor, tremors, frequent constipation, weight loss are typical symptoms hormonal disorders. By the way, with age, the risk increases - problems There is in 10% of women over 50.
1. breast cancer
This The most common type of cancer. In Russia, it is found every year in 70,000 patients. If the tumor is small and treatment started on time, chances are get well present in 90% of cases. At risk are women who have never given birth or breastfed, who have early menstruation or late menopause. Another factor is mutations in the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes, which can be inherited. Therefore, after 40 years, doctors recommend get a mammogram every two years.
Often, women themselves can detect a neoplasm. To do this, it is enough once a month on the 5-12th day of the cycle. inspect breast. The glands should be of the same size and shape, the nipples should be at the same level, not have seals, sores and other suspicious changes. Standing and lying on your back, you need to feel the chest in a circular motion from the nipple to the outer edge and make sure that there are no balls or solid formations anywhere, and the lymph nodes in the armpits are not enlarged.
2. colon cancer
In the early stages, the disease can develop asymptomatically, and sometimes a tumor can be detected. succeed only by metastases in other organs. Therefore, after 40 years, you need to undergo screening every two years, and after 65 even more often - once a year. To do this, you will have to pass a fecal occult blood test. The results of the study help to identify not only cancer, but also other diseases: ulcers, hemorrhoids, intestinal tuberculosis.
The risk of developing a tumor increase sedentary lifestyle and malnutrition - for example, excessive love for fatty and salty foods. People who have chronic inflammatory processes in the intestines - ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease should be attentive to their health.
Colon cancer screening is included in the clinical examination program. This year, Russians who turn 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, 33, 36 or 39 years old can check their health for free. And after 40, you can undergo a medical examination annually. The examination also includes blood glucose and cholesterol tests, fluorography, ECG and other screenings that help detect chronic diseases and malignant tumors.
Prevention, diagnosis and treatment of oncological diseases are important tasks of the national project "healthcare». A complete list of examinations can be found on the official portal of the Ministry of Health of Russia on oncological diseases onco‑life.ru, find out about them at the clinic or from the insurance representative.
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