The dumbbell training program will help you pump yourself without leaving your home.
Miscellaneous / / April 23, 2023
Exercises for all muscle groups and cardio complex for weight loss.
What is this training program and who is it for?
This program is designed for three workouts per week lasting about 60 minutes. Each lesson includes two blocks.
- Power training. Consists of five exercises for the muscles of the whole body. As weights, you will use dumbbells or the weight of your body.
- Complex. This is 20 minutes of intense cardio and strength exercises performed in a circular format.
With this program, you will be able to:
- Strengthen the muscles of the whole body. You'll do presses and push-ups, back rows, squats and lunges for your hips. Strength training will provide a stimulus for muscle growth, so that the muscles will increase in size and the body will look more toned and attractive.
- Lose some extra weight.Power training they don’t spend much energy, but due to the interval complex at the end of the lesson, you can use up an additional 200–300 kcal. If you do not replenish them with increased portions of food, you can remove about 2-3 kg in a couple of months.
- Develop endurance. During the interval complexes, the pulse will rise to the aerobic zone, and possibly even higher. This will help your body get used to long, intense work, so that you will experience less difficulties in everyday life. For example, you can climb stairs without shortness of breath.
The program is designed for beginners in strength training, but is also suitable for more advanced athletes who, for some reason, cannot attend Gym.
Which dumbbells to choose
To complete the program, it is best to purchase collapsible dumbbells. They are small vultures on which the right amount of pancakes is put on.
On average, such dumbbells cost from 1 to 2.5 thousand rubles apiece. The weight of pancakes may vary: in some models, discs of 1.25 or 5 kg are included with the neck, in others - 3 kg each.
When choosing, be guided by the maximum weight of the projectile and your level of training. Beginners can take dumbbells, which with all the pancakes weigh 7.58 kg, for people more experienced in strength training - 15–20 kg.
Of course, you can work out with light fitness dumbbells weighing 1-5 kg. For beginners, especially girls, this weight is enough to pump their hands well. But the large and strong muscles of the back and hips require a greater load.
In addition, at first, progress is quite fast, and in order for the muscles to continue to grow and the strength to increase, you will need to add working weights.
So you can start the program with fitness dumbbells, but do not put off buying collapsible ones.
How to do a dumbbell workout at home
The program is designed for three workouts per week. Adjust your schedule so that between classes there is a day of rest for recovery.
How to do the workout
Each workout is structured as follows.
- Warm up. Perform articular gymnastics: tilts and turns of the head and body, rotation of the arms and legs in the joints. Then do 20 repetitions of leg-together jumps, air squats, and climbing exercises and start exercising.
- Power block. In this part, you will perform exercises on the main muscle groups for the specified number of times. Rest 60-90 seconds between sets, and as long as it takes between exercises to change position. As for the weight of the dumbbells, choose it in such a way that you finish the set with effort, but without breaking the technique.
- interval complex. When you finish the strength part, rest for a couple of minutes and move on to the last stage. For this you will need a timer. Do each exercise for 40 seconds, rest the rest of the minute and move on to the next one. Thus, complete all the movements on the list, rest for a minute, and then start again. Complete 4 circles - it will take 20 minutes.
If there is time left, you can stretch after the complex. Choose one exercise for each muscle group from this article and do each for 60-120 seconds.
What exercises to do
The number of repetitions is indicated for work with dumbbells, which can provide enough load to fatigue the muscles. In other words, if you have non-collapsible light shells and the last repetitions in the approach are given as easily as the first ones, increase the number of repetitions.
Day 1
Power block:
- Split squats with dumbbells - 3 sets of 10 reps on each leg.
- Single Leg Pelvic Raise – 4 sets of 8 reps per leg.
- Incline Dumbbell Row – 4 sets of 12 reps.
- Push-ups from the floor (from the support) - 3 sets to failure.
- Side Dumbbell Raise – 3 sets of 15 reps.
- Thrusters with dumbbells.
- Exercise "lumberjack" with one dumbbell.
- burpee.
- Bicycle exercise.
Day 2
Power block:
- Stepping into a chair with dumbbells - 3 sets of 10 reps with each leg.
- Romanian deadlift on one leg - 3 sets of 15 reps.
- Bench press on the floor - 3 sets of 12 reps.
- Bench Rows – 3 sets of 12 reps on each side.
- Biceps Curl – 3 sets of 20 reps.
- "Devil" burpees.
- Lateral lunges with an inclination.
- Run with high hips.
- Push-ups with dumbbell traction (bar with traction).
Day 3
Power block:
- Lunges with dumbbells - 3 sets of 20 reps (10 with each leg).
- Glute bridge with dumbbells on one leg - 3 sets of 15 repetitions from each leg.
- Standing press - 3 sets of 10 reps.
- Triceps extension - 3 sets of 20 reps.
- Bent Over Raise – 3 sets of 15 reps.
- "Legs together - legs apart" with squats.
- «dead beetle» on one side.
- Reverse lunges.
- Plank steps.
How to do exercises
Below we will analyze in detail the technique of each movement.
Split squats with dumbbells
Stand a step away from a stable elevation and place the toe of one foot on it. Take dumbbells in your hands. Squat until your front thigh is parallel to the floor, straighten up and repeat.
Try to keep your body straight so that both bones of the pelvis are directed forward during the squat. Also, make sure that the knee of the supporting leg does not turn inward, especially during the lift.
Raising the pelvis on one leg
Find a stable platform that won't slip on the floor. For example, place a chair with its back against a wall.
Lean on the elevation with your back in the area of the shoulder blades, bend your knees. Place a dumbbell on your right thigh close to your pelvis and hold it with your hands. Lift your left leg off the floor.
Straining the glutes muscles, unbend at the hip joints. Hold the position for a second, then return to the starting position and repeat. Do not lower the second leg to the floor and do not sit down until the end of the set.
Incline dumbbell row
Take dumbbells in your hands, lean forward, keeping your back straight, bend your knees slightly. Tighten the press, lower the shoulder blades, look at the floor in front of you.
Bend your elbows and pull the dumbbells to your waist, lower them back and repeat. Do not change the position of the body until the end of the exercise - continue to lower your shoulders, keep the angle of your back and tense press.
Push up in full range - until your chest touches the floor or at least until your shoulders are parallel to the floor. Try not to arch your lower back, keep your abs tight.
If you can’t do push-ups yet, do the exercise from a low support, such as a stable stool or bench.
Wiring dumbbells to the side
Straighten and lower your shoulders, turn your arms with dumbbells palms to the body. Smoothly and under control, spread your arms to the sides to shoulder level, lower them back and repeat. Perform the exercise without jerks and inertia.
Thrusters with dumbbells
Raise the dumbbells to your shoulders and hold them in bent arms. Squat down, straighten up and squeeze the shells over your head. Then lower the dumbbells back to your shoulders and lower back into a squat.
In this exercise, it is important not to separate squat and bench press, but use the momentum of the lift to make it easier to raise the dumbbells above your head.
Exercise "lumberjack" with one dumbbell
Stand with your feet slightly wider than your shoulders, grab one dumbbell with both hands. Raise the projectile up and to the right, turning the shoulders and body. Note that at this point the heel of the left foot is lifted off the floor.
Then turn to the left, lowering the dumbbell diagonally to your left knee, as if you were trying to chop a tree in front of you with an axe. Continue in this manner until the end of the interval, moving vigorously and not changing direction.
Change it every round. That is, in the first approach, lower the dumbbell from right to left, and in the second, from left to right.
Lean forward and place your palms on the floor. With a jump, put your feet in the lying position and lower yourself to the surface. Leaning on your hands, tear your chest and stomach off the floor, bend sharply at the hip joints, put your legs closer to your hands and straighten up. Jump low, clapping your hands behind your head, and repeat from the beginning.
Lie on your back, put your hands behind your head and spread your elbows to the sides, tighten your abs and tear off your shoulders and shoulder blades from the floor. Raise your legs low and press your lower back against the mat.
At the same time, bend your right leg and turn your body to the right, as if you were going to touch your knee with your left elbow. Then repeat the movement on the other side.
Continue in the same spirit, without lowering your legs to the floor until the end of the interval. Followso that the lower back does not come off the floor, tighten the press.
Stepping onto a chair with dumbbells
Find a stable support about 40–50 cm high. Hold dumbbells in lowered hands.
Place your foot on a support, transfer your body weight to it and rise. Do not push off the floor with the second leg - this is how you take away the load from the muscles. Make sure your back stays straight and your working leg doesn't bend inward.
Slowly and under control, come back down to the floor and repeat. Do all reps on one leg first and then move on to the other.
Romanian deadlift
Place your feet hip-width apart, turn your arms with dumbbells palms to the body. Slightly bend your knees, move your pelvis back and tilt your body, lowering the dumbbells.
Lead the projectiles close to your legs, keep your lower back in a neutral position and look at the floor in front of you. Lower the dumbbells to mid-calf, straighten up and repeat.
Bench press on the floor
Lie on the floor, bend your knees at a right angle and place your feet on the floor. Take dumbbells and position your shoulders at a 45-degree angle from your body, similar to a push-up.
Squeeze the dumbbells up until the arms are fully extended, lower them back and repeat. Work smoothly and under control, tighten the press so that the lower back does not come off the floor.
Traction to the stomach based on the bench
For this exercise, you will need a long, fairly solid support, like a bench or two chairs placed side by side.
Stand with your right side to the support, put your right knee and palm on it. Take a dumbbell in your left hand. Lower your shoulders and shoulder blades, straighten your back and check that your lower back is in a neutral position.
Bend your elbow and pull the dumbbell to your waist. Slowly lower back down and repeat. Watch to back stay level, don't lift your shoulder.
Curl for biceps
Take dumbbells and turn your fingers towards your body. Bend your elbows and raise the dumbbells while turning your wrists outward. At the top of the exercise, the hands should be turned with the palms towards the chest. Gently lower the shells to the starting position and repeat the exercise.
"Devil" burpees
Perform a dumbbell burpee. After straightening, swing the shells between your legs to gain momentum, and then sharply straighten in the hip joints and raise the dumbbells over your head in straightened arms.
Lower the shells back and again go to point-blank prone.
Lateral lunges with an incline
Lunge to the side, tilt the body with a straight back and lower the dumbbells on both sides of the bent leg. Straighten up and repeat on the other side.
Running with high hips
Place the dumbbells on the floor about one step apart. Stand to the right of them, bend your right leg at the knee. In three jumps, step over the shells, each time changing the bent knee.
When you stand to the left of the dumbbells, your left leg will be bent. Come back the same way. try move intensely and raise your knees higher.
Push-ups and chest pulls
Stand in an emphasis lying on dumbbells, push up, and then bend your right arm and pull the dumbbell to your belt. Repeat the same, but now bend your left arm. Keep your torso straight and tighten your abs to keep your lower back in a neutral position.
If push-ups are not yet given to you, just do dumbbell rows to the belt in the lying position, bending either the right or the left arm in turn.
Lunges with dumbbells
Perform lunges forward, holding dumbbells in lowered hands. Do them in full range - until the knee touches the floor or close to it. Tilt your body forward slightly, but make sure your back stays straight.
Glute bridge on one leg
Lie down on your back, bend your knees and place your feet on the floor. Straighten one leg, and put the dumbbell on the thigh of the second closer to the pelvis.
Extend at the hip joint until fully extended so that the body and the raised leg are extended in one line. Lower yourself to the starting position and repeat.
Standing press
Bend your elbows and raise the dumbbells to shoulder level. Squeeze the shells up, fully straighten your arms. Then return to the starting position and repeat.
Triceps extension
Take dumbbells in your hands, lean forward with a straight back. Lower your shoulders and bend your elbows at a right angle - this is the starting position. Now fully extend your arms, hold for a second, return to the starting position and repeat.
Incline Dumbbell Raise
Take dumbbells in your hands, tilt the body to parallel with the floor or close to it - the back should be straight. Keep your hands lowered in front of your chest, turn them with your fingers towards each other and slightly bend at the elbows.
Extend your arms to the sides to shoulder level and return back. Raise and lower the dumbbells smoothly, do not use momentum.
"Feet together - legs apart" with squats
Place your feet shoulder-width apart, squeeze one dumbbell with both hands, taking her by the pancakes on both sides. Squat down, at the same time tilting the body forward, and lower the projectile to the floor.
Straighten up and connect your legs with a jump. Raise the dumbbell over your head with outstretched arms. Then, with a jump, spread your legs shoulder-width apart again and go into a squat. Continue to alternate positions.
"Dead bug" on one side
Lie on your back, bend your legs at the hip and knee joints at a right angle. Take the dumbbell in your right hand and extend it so that the projectile is clearly above the shoulder, and the elbow remains straight. Leaning on your left hand, tear your shoulder blades and shoulders off the floor - this is the starting position.
Tightening your abs, lower your right hand with a dumbbell behind your head and straighten your left leg. Return to starting position and repeat. Perform the prescribed number of times, then transfer the dumbbell to your left hand and do from that side.
Make sure that while lowering your arms and legs, your lower back does not come off the floor. Keep your abs tight at all times.
Reverse lunges
Hold the dumbbells in straight lowered arms on the sides of the body. Perform reverse lunges while stepping back. Lower yourself down until your knees almost touch the floor. At the bottom of the exercise, tilt your body forward, keeping your back straight.
Plank Steps
Stand in the "bear" plank - at point-blank range with bent knees. Leave your hands shoulder-width apart, and connect your feet. Tighten the press and check that the lower back is in a neutral position, and not arched.
Step to the right with your left hand and right foot at the same time. Now your palms will be close to each other, and the feet, on the contrary, far away. Take another step to the right, now with your right hand and left foot. Repeat the same on the other side.
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