8 fines for summer residents in 2023
Miscellaneous / / April 20, 2023
Fires should be burned with special care.
1. For the weeds
In the Code of Administrative Offenses provided responsibility for violating the rules of weed control. To make it easier to distinguish good plants from bad ones, the government approved list green pests. Among them are not only cow parsnip and euphorbia, but also dandelion with wormwood.
Of course, it is unlikely that a summer resident will be fined for being a single insidious weed hiding somewhere in the corner of the garden. But if the site is quite overgrown (by 50% or 20%, if we are talking about valuable land) and especially if the neighbors complain about it, a person can be fined the amount up to 50 thousand rubles - depends on the article of the Code of Administrative Offenses. And such cases really there are, and not so rarely.
Can be fined for hogweed on the site, but already according to local legislation. In Moscow, for this they will warn or take 2–5 thousand rubles, in the Leningrad Region they will immediately go to a fine of the same amount.
2. For the fires
In 2023 fire safety regulations softened. For example, now open fire can be bred 15 meters from the buildings, in a closed container like a barrel - 7.5 meters, and in the barbecue - even 5 meters. Previously, the distance was more significant - from 50 meters. It is still impossible to burn rubber and paint products, glass and metal objects on the site.
Violators are supposed to fine from 5 to 15 thousand rubles. And since fire really dangerous, summer residents are punished often.
3. For trash
Garbage must be taken out and disposed of, but the site cannot be littered. Even if you have put something together temporarily and are going to use it somehow, the inspectors may have another opinion. The penalty is 2-3 thousand rubles.
4. For drug-containing plants
Of course, we are not talking about a special plantation of opium poppy. Such "dacha residents" will have more serious problems with the police. But even if a wild plant from special list, there will be questions for the gardener. The fact that a person did not attend to weeding is an offense. He can be fined for 3–4 thousand rubles.
5. For a toilet close to home
The distance between the outdoor toilet and housing should be at least 8 meters. And this concerns not only the toilet owner's house, but also the neighbor's. The penalty is 2-3 thousand rubles.
There are also other requirements to the toilet. Ideally, it should be located no closer than 2 meters to the boundaries of the site, at least 8 meters from the bathhouse and the well.
6. For car wash
In 2023, many people wrote about the ban on washing cars in summer cottages, so it is important to discuss this measure. You won't get fined for it everywhere. Under federal law, it is illegal to wash your car on the river bank. If your dacha is located there, it is better to refrain from water procedures for the car. If not, it's worth checking the regional rules.
For example, all the conversations this year are mainly related to the ban introduced in the Moscow region. It is no longer possible to wash and repair cars there, except for specially authorized places for this. The penalty is 3-5 thousand rubles. Maybe there is something similar in your area too.
However, if you regularly wash your car on the site with something toxic or pour liters of fuel directly onto the ground, the fine for damage to land you can still get it. But it's not about the car, of course.
7. For misuse of land
The land plots have its purpose. For example, both horticultural and horticultural intended for growing plants. But on the first one you can build residential buildings (but not apartment buildings!), but not on the second one. If you use the site incorrectly, you can be fined for 0,5–1% its cadastral value, but not less than 10 thousand rubles.
8. For the squatting of the land
If there are no neighbors nearby and the territory is limited to a clean field, it may be tempting to move a little fence and make your plantation bigger. For this, of course, fine: 1–1.5% of the cadastral value of the land plot, but not less than 5 thousand rubles.
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