Everyone at least once in life there are such events, after which you do not remember anything. And in most cases it is a good thing. But not when you lose your bank card, all the money lying in your pocket and your favorite headphones. And if the first loss I could accept, then the last there. Headphones for me - that's all. So we had to find a replacement as soon as possible. And as to spend money on new EarPods did not want to, I began to look for something cheaper and less quality. And I found.
He helped me in the The Verge. I remembered that a few months before they watched the video from the category «This is My Next». In it, they compared different Soup and choose from them the best. At the time, they compared cheap in-ear headphones. Here's the video, if you want to see.
I decided to trust the children, because of reasons not to do that I did not, and began to look for these ears all over the city. They are nowhere to be found. Kharkov retailers do not know about what The Verge found Panasonic TCM 125 best headphones to $ 50, so it was impossible to find them. I managed to find some basement online store where they can be ordered and in two weeks they were with me.
TCM 125 are available in various models. The only difference in color. There are both standard black and white, and acid violet and pink. I decided to stay on the standard. From a distance, they are strongly reminiscent of my favorite EarPods. Perhaps this was the main criterion. They have a control panel, right on it, only one button to control your music and calls. No volume buttons.
Included are three pairs of pads, which surprised me. Considering the price of the headphones, I was expecting a plastic bag, and the absence of any accessories. I approached the middle lining.
Jack angular and strong enough. I use headphones every day for the past few months and so far there have been no complaints. Although a couple of times, I noticed some hiss. Repeat their failed, so I was not able to tell if it was a problem or music headphones themselves.
As for the sound: it is good and even better than in EarPods. To some extent this is achieved due to the fact that the headphones are more tightly enters the ear and better isolated from noise. Expect from them something incredible is not worth it, after all they are worth $ 15. But at this price, they sound just fine. I will not describe the warmth of master midrange and bass density, so to say simply:
There is no fucking artificially high bass in Beats, so the music sounds quite nice.
Using them for the past couple of months, I came to the conclusion that this is the correct spent $ 15 for the last time. Perhaps after a few months, I'll buy overhead headphones to enjoy good sound at home. But for everyday listening in public transport or in the course of the Panasonic TCM 125 fit just fine.