What will be fashionable in 2020: trends in food, clothing and lifestyle
A Life Trends / / December 19, 2019
People will pay more attention to the whole healthy, useful and environmentally friendly, but do not cease to decorate themselves.
1. light color
Projections colors of traditional businessNew York Fashion Week Spring / Summer 2020 Institute of Pantone colors. According to them, in a trend will be shades that convey lightness and at the same time allowing to express themselves. The designer collections following colors will dominate the spring and summer of 2020:
- Aloe flame.
- Saffron.
- Classic blue.
- Biscay green.
- Bow.
- Faded denim.
- Orange peel.
- Blue mosaic.
- Sunlight.
- Coral pink.
- Cinnamon stick.
- Grape compote.
2. Art clothing
Several designers have presented the spring collection, inspired by the paintings of great artists or explicitly citing them. On the show Moschino model out of gilded frames, if revived Picasso. A collection of Valentino dresses combined two trends - the art in the form of paintings of Henri Rousseau's jungles as a print.
The designers sought inspiration in different times and forms of art. So it is not necessary to swing on the classics, if you love all things new.
contemporary creators They will also work.3. More interest in healthy eating
The trend in healthy eating is gaining momentum. Current trends unveiledOur Top 10 Food Trends for 2020 US supermarket chain Whole Foods. Here are the most interesting of them.
Avoiding alcohol
Alcohol is no longer a mandatory attribute of holidays and parties. Therefore, cafes and restaurants are forced to revise the bar card, adding to non-alcoholic cocktails and other beverages.
Even less sugar
Refined sugar in the diet will become less. To replace him will come syrups.
Snacks from the refrigerator
snacksStored outside the refrigerator: muesli, crunches, diet bars - losing popularity. In their stead come more healthy and perishable food using fresh ingredients: pickled vegetables, portioned soups, boiled eggs with toppings.
More types of flour
The usual wheat flour now replace the oatmeal, flax, corn. Alternative types of product will be even more. Predict the popularity of the flour from the nuts and fruits.
Vegetable protein is not soy
Soy has long been a major source of vegetable protein. However, it is a potent allergenSoy AllergySo that in the near future it could oust other products, such as beans, avocado and some seeds.
Replacing butter with vegetable
Food quality oil has nothing to do with it, to blame its animal origin. Vegetarians becomes greater, and the product is losing popularity.
Cutlet with vegetables
The usual burgers burger gradually change the composition. In the beef is now added to vegetables in varying proportions. Manufacturer which is cheaper, and the consumer receives a product with less fat.
4. digital detox
Ways to get information and communicate it becomes more and more. For many years, people were happy, they can always be connected and have instant access to the Internet. But the pendulum is clearly close to that, to swing the other way.
It became obvious that to keep in touch is not very good: you can get it at any moment. A constantly flowing information is easy to drown in the stream. As a result, people are beginning to define how communication are acceptable to them (for example, writing in the messenger, but not call), stop watch tape of social networks, organize digital detox, abandoning all devices some time.
On the development of this trend can be judged by the built-in the latest version of iOS program "screen time," which keeps track of how many hours and minutes you spent on your smartphone. And Apple acutely aware of trends.
People clearly want to go back into the real world from the virtual.
A natural complement to this point - digital hygiene. In most social networks is now possible to hide the user's posts from the tape without removing it from your friends list. So no longer need to endure the annoying content, just not to offend people.
5. Caring about the environment
In 2019 the Swedish schoolgirl Greta Thunberg emotionally actedSchoolgirl from Sweden Greta Thunberg made at the UN podium accusations against world leaders at a meeting of the UN General Assembly with a speech on climate change. To this can be treated differently, but the activist has launched a new round of struggle for environmental concerns. girl supportedLeonardo Di Caprio: 'Greta Thunberg a leader of our time' many Western and domestic stars.
However, to give all the credit to Greta too, should not, because the concern about the environment - a rising trend. In the regions, establishingIn Cheboksary began to establish a platform for separate waste collection separate collection of waste. In the produce department, "Auchan" next to the plastic bags were reusable bags. And even in the beginning emerge memes ecology theme.
- Why do you need a fur coat from natural fur?! Are you a synthetic can not wear ?!
- crazy? This coat will be 500 years to decompose.
Then certainly there will be more.
And what trends do you notice? Share in the comments.
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