What you need to know to get the most benefit from their comments
Tips / / December 19, 2019
From the Editor: We love comments and read them. I read the comments 100% to their materials. But it can not all our authors. Over the years we have lost more than a dozen good writers only because at some aggressive and undeserved comments patience snapped, and people stopped us to write. The post below is one of our best authors and it really helps you to be the commentator, with whom we, and our visitors will be pleased to communicate. Thank you for commenting, and thank you for staying correct.
Now remain silent no longer fashionable. In the context of freedom of speech and Internet features everyone wants to speak. At the same time, everyone thinks their opinion the final discussion point. It can be two opinions: one - my, another - wrong. Moreover, it is your opinion so eagerly awaited the entire community, and only you can bring the word of truth in the mass of ignoramuses. your "truth" source is not important. You may just something in my head took it. Perhaps you have heard this view from the "uncle." Perhaps you are "found on the Internet." You resort to a comparative adjective categorically - always, no, never, all, and so on.
At the other extreme - it's uncertainty. Uncertainty is a constant source - almost, maybe, probably, etc.
Often extremely categorical downcast replaced by uncertainty, because an appeal to the detail requires knowledge of the subject matter. And they are not. One gets the impression that the more categorical statement is, the more it superficially. At the same time, all who are trying to "close" to convey their views or unable to defend his point of view or not enough (but it is better than their opposites) "grounded" in the subject under discussion.
Now let's be honest. It's annoying. Peremptory tone, "chewing snot" dispute with foaming at the mouth because the Internet someone is not right - irritating and causes one simple desire - not to communicate with someone. Those whom it is annoying - do not talk, those who enter into a controversy - birds of a feather.
Each of us can fall into a similar trap. On the Internet and in real life. When small talk and business negotiations. But every sensible person seeks to avoid rhetorical errors and improve the quality of talks and reasoning.
Before anything to comment on, remember the following:
- What do you want to say? Add to express an opinion, to praise, to say "thank you" or to express their "financial"? And if an informative addition, praise and gratitude are always welcome, from the opinion, and the more negative you have to be careful. This implies the following three points.
- Whom you address a message? Decide who should read your message. On this depends the reverse reaction you get. If you are not constructive criticize the author - is likely to encounter a negative response. If you "shoot up in the air" - the reaction may be appropriate, ie, no.
- What kind of impression you want to make? Author touched your feelings, and you want to hurt him in return? You are going to pour a ton of bile? Stop and ask yourself the question - why? Why spoil someone mood and create a negative image of yourself? Who from this will be easier? That's right - none. You included. Do you want to say "thank you"? Just tell me. Do not try to please everyone, but the courtesy and patience with others is always a price. Good impression you have made through their statement, pleasure and author and you.
- Who needs your opinion? Just be honest with yourself. Who may be interested in your opinion? And why? If this is the rational reasons - safely hold the pen. Such reasons can be: you are an expert in the issues discussed, had an interesting experience, the view can reveal new facets of the topic and etc. If you are in this society you are "one and call you in any way", and even more so if you are new to the issues discussed, three times Think. Especially if you are going to make a negative impression.
- You can than to support his opinion? If not, and say nothing. Pustozvonov not like. If you can not provide the data, at least take the trouble to explain the course of its reasoning. In general, explain the thinking and conclusions - very useful skill that will allow you to achieve significant success in society. But do not think that all opponents are with you on the same level. Therefore, it is necessary to explain so that the person who does not have a completely irrelevant to the subject under discussion, was able to understand the way you think.
- Source of information is trustworthy? Should not rush questionable data. Other people's opinion can not have anything at all under itself - be careful. Check your sources, first of all it is important to you. Source credibility in your eyes may be zero for other people. Be prepared to explain why this source you can trust.
And a few more tips:
- If you are unsure of your data, take the time to their confirmation or refutation. This will not only competently carry out the reasoning, but may have changed, and your point of view.
- Always be polite. Behave the way you want to behave with you.
- Not "pour" statements and opinions. Always explain.
- Be brief. The shorter the sentence, the better it is perceived.
- "Do not pour bile on the tablecloth." Your negative opinion unnecessary.
- Write your comment. Reread. And only then submit.
- If you express only the opinion, explain why your opinion is valuable. Get ready to argue.
- Is not equal to the other in itself.
- Do not put all in a row.
- Clarity statements indicates clarity of thought. If the statement gets confused - Bring to start in the order of thought.
- Be tolerant of people and their opinions. Respect for others is through self-respect. Do not do that, for that will not respect themselves.
- Be creative. More precisely, be creative. Builds valuable things and avoid the white noise.
- Say "thank you". It is fashionable. This adds +1 karma ;-)
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