Where and how artificial intelligence is used: 6 examples from life
Miscellaneous / / April 04, 2023
AI is much closer than it might seem.
What is artificial intelligence and who creates it
Artificial intelligence is a set of technologies that imitate human cognitive functions. Like people, he can collect information, analyze it, learn and develop. Specific set of AI abilities depends from his type.
- Reactive machines. They perform specific tasks and have no memory. Therefore, they cannot change behavior patterns based on lived experience, but in the process of implementing a programmed action, they react much faster than a person. To similar applies Deep Blue is a chess supercomputer that beat world champion Garry Kasparov in 1997.
- AI with limited memory. Such artificial intelligence is able to remember information and use it to learn and improve actions in the future. For example, this is an autopilot in a car.
- AI with Theory of Mind. Can respond to human emotions and choose their actions depending on them.
- AI with self-awareness. He has an idea of himself and understands his inner state.
The last two types so far exist only in science fiction. Although there have been attempts to create AI with the theory of mind. For example, the Kismet robot could imitate emotions. And the star of the memes of 2016-2018, the humanoid robot Sophia, thanks to the cameras in his eyes could maintain eye contact and recognize faces. But such possibilities are still very limited and, of course, not comparable with the human mind.
Artificial intelligence is created by an AI specialist. He writes a program, fills it with data and algorithms necessary for information processing. Further can add machine learning features. Such algorithms allow AI to classify information and find the most suitable among the many solutions. To boost the system, it is given various relevant tasks: for the correct result, it receives “encouragement”, for the wrong one, it receives a “reprimand”.
“Candy” for good work is not given to the program - it is simply left unchanged. And for the mistake, the creators rather scold themselves, because then they have to refine the system.
One of the possible machine learning algorithms is a neural network, that is, a mathematical model consisting of layers and simulating neural connections in the brain. Each section in it is responsible for processing different types of information, so AI can analyze a lot of data, which it then combines into a big picture.
Now artificial intelligence and machine learning are one of the most promising IT areas. Such technologies apply in almost all areas, and there are not so many suitable specialists on the market. This year, the All-Russian Championship was even dedicated to artificial intelligence "Digital breakthrough", which organizes the project" Russia - a country of opportunities ". The competition is held for the third time and allows IT professionals to show their skills and get paid for it: the prize fund in 2022 is 3 million rubles. The championship started on October 26, but register You can apply until November 17th.
How artificial intelligence is changing lives now
1. Simplifies the work of doctors
Artificial intelligence in medicine performs many tasks. Algorithms know how quickly study the results of tests and make a diagnosis based on them. Sometimes even by non-obvious markers, for example, by the sound of the voice. To do this, the program compares the data received from the patient with its database and looks for patterns.
Pick the right AI treatment too Maybe. And also he involved in the development of new drugs and vaccines. The task of artificial intelligence in this case is to calculate the results of applying different combinations, cut off the unsuccessful ones and highlight the promising ones. For example, technology has already developed drug for the treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder.
In addition, AI can assist during operations: to preliminarily examine tissues, predict how a person will react to an intervention, and even replace the hands of specialists. Robotic surgeons make more precise and smaller incisions. But they still carry out operations only under the close supervision of professionals.
2. Helps you get home faster
The shortest route is not always the best choice. Traffic jams, road repairs, broken traffic lights sometimes take even more time than an extra detour or turn. Now you can stop relying only on luck - accurate forecasting are engaged online maps with smart algorithms. They collect information from satellites, and then build several suitable paths based on it: they tell how long each of them will take and whether there are problems there.
AI capabilities sometimes use and to regulate the traffic jams themselves. Sensors receive information about the situation on a particular section of the road, analyze it and transmit it to smart traffic lights. If necessary, the operating time of the enable signal is increased so that more cars can pass through a difficult location.
In some AI cars penetrates and under another guise - through the autopilot. Algorithms in this case process information from sensors installed in the machine itself, such as cameras and sensors. Autopilot is also useful in public transport, for example, in trams. He helps monitor the situation on the roads and warns of dangers. And if the driver does not have time to react, the system itself activates emergency braking.
3. Makes life easier on the Internet
Everyone has encountered AI on the Web. On him work recommendation systems in social networks and streaming services. Algorithms analyze the user's tastes and try to offer content that he will like. The more often a person reacts to the advice of the system, the smarter and more accurate it becomes.
AI answers and for issuance in search engines: processes requests for text, images, voice and ranks links by relevance, taking into account previous user experience. Algorithms can analyze thousands of pages on the Internet in seconds - not only headlines, but also the content of articles. This helps you get more useful results.
Artificial intelligence applied even in email. For example, it finds spam and promotional offers and sorts them into separate folders.
4. Turns an ordinary home into a smart one
The ability to control a switch, kettle, robot vacuum cleaner and other home devices through a voice assistant is also a merit of AI. It doesn't matter where it is hidden: in the app or in the smart speaker. Assistant algorithms process and respond to voice commands, remember correct scenarios, and are constantly being improved.
AI is sometimes present in the gadgets themselves. For example, in a robot vacuum cleaner may hide algorithms that help it determine the amount of water needed for a particular floor covering. And in the stove - a recommendation system with recipes: first, the program studies habits of the user, and then advises suitable dishes, for example, depending on the time of day.
Perspective gadgets in the apartment will be able personalize your work based not only on direct commands, but also on face and voice recognition. The system will remember the user's preferences and, having seen it, will adjust the settings of the heated floor or air conditioner itself.
5. Optimizes the work of companies
The introduction of AI in offices, according to experts, able significantly increase profits. Because he can take a mountain of tasks. For example, analyze competitors, anticipate problems, sort requests, and quickly send a client to the right specialist. Or even replace technical support employees and process requests on their own - chatbots are responsible for this task.
Facilitate the work of HR managers and leaders artificial intelligence too Maybe. Algorithms are able to analyze applicants, conduct an initial interview with them, evaluate skills, help with the adaptation of a new employee, form a work plan and even calculate an objective salary.
6. Improves yield
Artificial intelligence can be entrusted with the control of fields and greenhouses. For example, collecting data on moisture content and chemical composition of the soil, lighting and ambient temperature. And not on the entire site at once, but on each individual square meter. This technology usein China, for example: AI tells farmers when to plant seeds, how much fertilizer to apply, and when to water.
Analytical abilities of AI come in handy and for the control of plant and animal health. In Norway, such systems prevent the infestation of salmon with sea lice, and in Argentina, the infection of wheat with a fungus. Another useful technological solution is tractors and harvesters on autopilot. In Russia such have tried in 2020: machinery processed fields in 35 regions of the country, collecting more than 720 thousand tons of crops.
Smart technologies cost a lot, so far from all farmers use them. But they plan to change that. in Russia this year approved standard for the use of AI in agriculture, in addition, the Ministry of Agriculture offers state support in the form of a preferential rate on a loan for digitalization - up to 5%.