Commentary week Layfhakere: 21-27.07.2014
Tips / / December 19, 2019
Summer is in full swing, and the distribution of books in khalyavnykh Layfhakere continues!
Once a week, one commentator, and one no less beautiful, book find each other. Not without the help of our glorious edition, of course. Today we announce the results of last week: from 21 to 27 July inclusive.
The winner is Ekaterina Shelomentseva - namely, its a comment to the post
On actions during the earthquake time, which can save your life and health. So:
During an earthquake, do not stand in the doorway.
With earthquakes it is not so simple. Believe me, I'm a 22 years a vein at the junction of tectonic plates, where shaking regularly. We are a very tender age trained in schools and taught all that is required.
Ideal - at the first signs of the earthquake leave the building. But this is true only for low-rise buildings, t. To. In panel high-rise buildings staircases with substantial shaking (and elevators, as we remember, use or in any case can not) will fall first. T. e. really have time to get away from the floor of the 4th, not higher.
We drove into the cold, with little or no clothes on speed. Some catch a cold after the first few sessions, but later moved expeditiously but - do not waste time searching for your favorite eraser. When left the building, it is necessary to find any free space (for us it was a vacant lot or a school stadium - unfortunately, with dense housing with this difficult) and stay there.
In regions where earthquakes occur frequently, there is a special collection points, and all public institutions are obliged to provide assistance to the population and in terms of the notification and indicate where it is safe, and should provide more PMP. At least it was before.
Now, if found at home and on the upper floors ↓
The most reliable place - bathroom. At worst, the toilet. Firstly, there are usually bearing plate, and secondly, in the bath, you can curl up and, if anything, be covered from the top, third, a no, but the water source.
The pose of the embryo - this is true. Thus we protect the most gentle, that we have, - the area of the abdomen and heart. The skull is still stronger will.
If possible, it is desirable in general to study the weaknesses of their homes - design documents to see, communicate with builders (ideally).
Many do not understand that what is happening - that's an earthquake. So it was last year when a little shaken the center of Moscow. I, taught by experience, immediately recognized the earthquake, and colleagues did not even realize what was happening.
Moral: hire at least one employee with experience in earthquake detection Joke :)).
like promised, The winner gets an excellent book "The psychology of positive changes"(Author: James Prochaska, John Norcross and Carlo Di Clemente). Congratulations from the heart!
Lucky this week to get the book "Muse and the Beast"Renowned illustrator and popular blogger Jana Frank - how to organize a creative work.
Mini-rally continues books. We encourage you to express their opinions and participate in a variety of discussions. ;)