How to understand that a marriage is doomed from the very beginning
Miscellaneous / / April 02, 2023
Among the warning signs are a lack of sexual desire and a personality crisis.
According to statistics, for 11 months of 2022, almost 625 thousand divorces were registered in Russia, and this is 6% more than a year earlier. Alas, divorce is often the price that partners pay for getting married for the wrong reasons and not wanting to notice the red flags in the relationship. Here are some signs that the union will not stand the test of time.
1. Do you feel ambivalent about marriage?
On the one hand, it is perfectly natural to worry before the wedding. On the other hand, if you feel insecure in your choice and doubt that you are doing the right thing, this is already a serious problem. Therefore, you need to be honest with yourself.
Sometimes people get married after much persuasion from family and friends, and not because they really feel deep feelings and want to spend the rest of their lives with each other. If you console yourself with the fact that after the wedding your relationship will change, or if you understand that you there is little in common with a partner, it is better not to make a mistake and give everyone the opportunity to find the real happiness.
2. You have friendly, not romantic feelings for your partner
Perhaps you have ever had a partner on whom you could completely and completely rely. A colleague with whom we worked on a joint project and helped each other. Or a friend with whom we lost weight together and supported each other on this difficult path. Sometimes a partner can really help. However, this system is not suitable for marriage.
Of course, being a friend and support for your partner is good. But if your relationship is exclusively friendly, and romantic gestures and physical contact seem strange or awkward, the union will be vulnerable to cheating and eventually risk falling apart.
3. You are not physically attracted to your partner
Sexual attraction in a relationship is often underestimated. Of course, there are other forms of close bonding, such as emotional bonding, and many couples get by without intimacy. Nevertheless, the lack of desire for each other opens the door for betrayal.
You should not hope that after the wedding your attitude towards the sexual attractiveness of your partner will change or you will focus on other, “more important” qualities of him. It is better to honestly assess the compatibility in sex from the very beginning.
4. Your partner is experiencing an identity crisis
Some people do not understand who they are and what they want from life. And they can be dangerous because they use marriage as an experiment to find their identity.
If your partner is in a state personality crisis, life with him will be like riding a roller coaster. Such people may actively seek themselves sexually, often change jobs and activities, or constantly move from place to place. But the main danger lies elsewhere. When a partner finally finds himself, you and your marriage may no longer fit into his ideal picture of the world.
5. You and your partner have conflicting interests
When hobbies coincide, life together becomes even more pleasant and interesting. You are much less likely to fight over how much money your favorite activities are pulling out of the family budget or how much time they spend on them.
If a couple has diametrically opposed interests, this can be a problem. And even if one person gives up his hobby, a happy ending not guaranteed yet. The partner will feel depressed and unhappy and one day will want to return to what pleases him, but already outside of marriage. And the future of the union will be in jeopardy.
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Text worked on: translator Liza Zakharova, editor Tanya Chudak, proofreader Olga Sytnik