Let me know: do you have a phobia? Tell us about it and share what helps you overcome your fear
Miscellaneous / / August 22, 2022
We tell you what scared Hitchcock and Mayakovsky, and we are waiting for your answers.
The king of suspense and the great director Alfred Hitchcock was afraid of eggs. The sight of the spreading yolk evoked more horror in him than any bloody scene. In one interview, Hitchcock toldS. Gottlieb. Alfred Hitchcock: Interviews about his unusual phobia and added that he was disgusted even by the shape of the egg - "a round thing without any holes."
The poet Vladimir Mayakovsky was obsessed with cleanliness and was terribly afraid of picking up something. This disorder is also called mysophobia. In their memoirsN. Semoniff. Mayakovsky. Memoirs of Elsa Triolet sister Lily Brik - the poet's muses - recalled that he washed his hands countless times a day, and always took his personal soap on trips. Perhaps this is how Mayakovsky was affected by the death of his father, who diedAT. AT. Mayakovsky. I myself from blood poisoning by pricking with a pin.
It seems that these are all the whims of creative people, but, according to
statisticsDiagnostic And Statistical Manual Of Mental Disorders / American Psychiatric Association, from 7 to 9% of US residents and about 6% of Europeans have a specific phobia - fear of an object or situation that does not pose a real danger.Do you have such a feature? Perhaps you are afraid of clowns, balloons, dolls or clusters of small holes, such as honeycombs. Share your story!