Appendix yep: why it is necessary to synchronize themselves with the outside world through meetings with strangers
Tips Yep! / / December 19, 2019
The more friends a virtual human, the less real. Laykanie on Facebook stuffing of information and discussion of some news of some media does not make you peers, acquaintances and even friends. Such behavior acts as a toxin that makes you think that you are in some dvizhuhu that your opinion someone interested and, most importantly, that you supposedly know something about the people with whom just were cut in comments.
If you do not believe in the written above, just remember your last encounter with a complete stranger. Every such meeting personally for me there is a certain shock, which is not able to give any one a "closed community in Facebook" and no "public in VKontakte". A lot of people around you are not talking about the projects, and makes them, do not read books about running, and getting ready for the marathon and succeeds in this, it does not chew another piece of news, but simply OPERATE volunteer and saved dozens of people and hundred. Thanks to these people our world still goes on and gets a little better. And exactly what is happening not influence demagogues and brainwashed them "sofa warriors" has drawn in way of social media. They would rather ramshackle and tearing the world apart.
Usually to rethink the model of social networks of consumption, people rush to extremes - we've all heard another marketing bulschit - digital detox. Supposedly you need to buy a tour in a hotel for a week to isolate themselves from the chains, and the gadgets laykayuschih zombies. There is also the topic in the framework of the "detox" to offer you throw to hell all the gadgets, remove all accounts. But is not solved the main problem - delete or not delete accounts, buy or not buy a tour in a hotel, you do not will you communicate with interesting people as the center of the equation is not put importantly - your interests, short-term hobbies. It is these casual contacts, a small step out of your comfort zone, an unexpected turn of conversation on a common interest with the person and performs all the functions of the forgotten - synchronizes with the world around you.
Let us remember the medieval city.
There sat the king or viceroy. Around him swarmed some suites. Then artisans, soldiers, and peasants. Thousands of cities to all the earth. But some of the city stood, and their kings survived, and some have disappeared long before our birth to you. The city more resistant to internal shocks is different from the one feature - the governor anyway had synchronization mechanisms of its reality with the reality of the soldier, the artisan, the peasant and simple citizen. And this is done more or less directly - the people's council, gatherings, games, fairs, etc. That's one person out of your comfort zone on a small step remained of the city. Just a couple of words with an unexpected interlocutor quickly change your attitude towards reality. Pupation ruler, a certain social class or caste of professionals within your circle of friends inevitably lead to a break with the reality of the group or person. Examples here can be the scientific community with their regular meetings, conferences and exchange of experience and the last president of Ukraine - both antiprimer. It shows how physical and intellectual isolation distorts the world of man and leads to the collapse of all his plans, which seemed to him and isolate him from reality environment so real.
It is particularly interesting that in the search for friends in a modern social consumption patterns. networks, we are limiting your social circle and constantly varimsya it to "ready". Think about who you are constantly in touch - it's the same people, bored avatars and names of the same topics, the same emotions and permanent bans unwanted in order to preserve you a pleasant circle.
Just in time my friends arrived with the concept of application implementing the above ideas into practice. it is called Yep! This interesting concept that puts in the center of the problem is not so much of you, how much interest at the moment and its solution in the shortest possible time.
You can not just come out of its lock as described above ruler, and go talk to just anyone - you can take the crazy :) You need to find someone who is ready to meet. Yep!, as one of the solutions to poblemy find new people familiar way for us to offer you simply select Activity, which will be a pretext to start a conversation: a cup of coffee, dinner together, jogging, walking or just hike to the exhibition or in the movies. All this is an occasion for you and your counterpart do this first shazhochek and stay within the etiquette of the big city. Executes the application and another important task - it excludes any sort was planning. You can plan a career of the child or the country for a more comfortable life. But you should not treat the meeting as a draft, otherwise they will be negligible. Therefore, finding a reason to (such as coffee), look for someone close, someone who will be able to jump out from work, unwind with you, to talk, to drink espresso and maybe change your life.
Yep! - not the only, but a very good tool for social calibration. Remember that the main reason of the office of loneliness, home confinement and a situation in which you realize that the You do not understand what is happening around - a limited circle of friends, which you yourself set up to ensure comfort. Spontaneous meetings with Yep! or not - it is tiny springs and cables that you hold in the world, and the world itself fastened, preventing it fractures and breaks. Casual Encounters make life unpredictable and therefore interesting and meaningful.
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