Investing in the future: a Lifehacker project and the Finuslugi platform for those who care about their money
Miscellaneous / / June 30, 2022
How to save and increase money when everything is difficult in the market
Bank deposits are not as conservative as they seem. With deposits, you can not only save your savings from inflation or save up for a vacation, but also earn money. A portfolio will help with this. It sounds complicated, but in fact, everything is simple: choose favorable rates in different banks, distribute money and watch how savings grow. Along with the platformfinancial services» compiled a guide to deposits: find out how to find deposits for your financial goals and objectives.
To collect a portfolio of deposits, you do not even have to leave your home - everything is easy to do online on the platform "financial services». This is a financial marketplace created by the Moscow Exchange on the initiative of the Bank of Russia. Here you can compare bank offers from all over the country, choose the most attractive and immediately open a deposit. By the way, for the first three-month deposit of up to 300 thousand rubles, Finuslugi will give a bonus of + 5% per annum to the bank's rate. For example, if a bank offers a deposit at 9.1% per annum, with a bonus from Finuslug, the rate will rise to 14.1%.
On the platform you can find the real profitable options: for users of "Financial services" some banks create unique conditions for rates. And the safety of money is guaranteed by the Deposit Insurance Agency: it protects investments in the amount of up to 1.4 million rubles.