It took one and a half months. One and a half months since I started listening, and laykat dislaykat music in Apple Music. It seems that this information is only needed for their own reassurance - as the recommendations were not good, and have remained. But I want to believe that our actions did have some effect. Below, we'll show you how to improve the Apple Music recommendations.
The user has two ways to influence the recommendation: put the Huskies and put dislayki. About Husky you probably know as heart icon that displays every song, even on the lock screen, it is difficult not to notice.
With dislaykami more interesting. They are available only in the tab "For you." If the tab comes inopportune album or playlist, you need to hold your finger on it, and select I Do not Like This Suggestion, which did not bother to translate into Russian.
The interesting thing is that these machinations with the recommendations seem to have no effect on the proposed music. How much would I have to get out of "For You" albums Pantera, AC / DC and other groups are not interesting to me - they still climb. Hopefully, for the release of iOS 9, the company will improve service recommendatory basis. So as long as mathematical algorithms
Spotify It works much better than Apple Music curators.