What should be the treatment of trees from diseases and pests
Miscellaneous / / May 25, 2022
Your garden will be healthy and your harvest will be rich.
What diseases and pests can garden processing handle?
Garden trees most often suffer from bacteriosis and fungal diseases: scab, cytosporosis, moniliosis, brown leaf spot, powdery mildew and black cancer. These diseases are always visible to the naked eye and can manifest themselves at different stages of plant development.
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Scab. Photo: Tomasz Klejdysz / Shutterstock
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Cytosporosis. Photo: Maksim Kazakov / Shutterstock
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Moniliosis. Photo: Another77 / Shutterstock
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Brown spotting. Photo: JulieStar / Shutterstock
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Bacteriosis. Photo: Oleksandr_U / Shutterstock
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Powdery mildew. Photo: Irina Borsuchenko / Shutterstock
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Black cancer. Photo: MartAnna / Shutterstock
The most common insect pests are May beetle, aphids, winter moths, scale insects, moths, codling moths, sawflies, flower beetles, ringed silkworms, and ants. The larvae of many of them are able to overwinter in tree tissues.
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May bug. Photo: Bildagentur Zoonar GmbH / Shutterstock
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Aphid. Photo: Paul Maguire / Shutterstock
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Winter moth. Photo: Wirestock Creators / Shutterstock
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Shchitovka. Photo: ChWeiss / Shutterstock
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Moth. Photo: Tomasz Klejdysz / Shutterstock
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Codling moth. Photo: HWall / Shutterstock
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Sawfly. Photo: ALEXTRA / Shutterstock
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Flower beetle. Photo: Cieciera Pawel / Shutterstock
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Ringed silkworm. Photo: Tomasz Klejdysz / Shutterstock
Therefore, it is important to carry out complex garden treatments from all pests and pathogens.
When to treat the garden
Diseases and pests begin to wake up with the onset of the first spring heat, so you need to work ahead of the curve and start working on the garden as early as possible. Specific dates depend on the region, so be guided by the air temperature.
For the best effect, four treatments are needed. If you missed one or more procedures, still try to spray the trees depending on the stage of vegetation. It is better to do it at least once than not to do it at all.
Diseases and pests, unfortunately, can attack trees, despite preventive treatments. If you notice their presence in the garden, carry out an unscheduled spraying, choosing a drug depending on the problem.
While the buds on the trees sleep
The first spraying is carried out already at 4 degrees above zero, even if the snow has not melted. Trees and pest larvae are still sleeping, but pathogens of fungal diseases are already starting to become active after wintering. So you need to treat the garden from spores of rot, scab, moniliosis, cytosporosis, black cancer, bacteriosis and other diseases.
The buds are already swollen, but there are no leaves yet
This state is also called the "green cone". Here it is necessary not only to re-spray to prevent fungal infections, but also to treat the garden from pests - they have already begun to wake up.
Rose buds appeared on the branches
It is necessary not to miss the moment and carry out the third spraying before the tree begins to bloom. Processing open flowers can kill bees, so start the procedure as soon as pink buds appear on the branches. This time the fight is directed against pests that lay their larvae directly into the buds and can ruin the entire future crop.
The ovaries have reached the size of a pea
At this time, the trees can be attacked by the second wave of fungal diseases - scab, moniliosis, powdery mildew and brown spot. Also, pests who like to eat young fruits do not sleep.
What to do before gardening
To get the most out of disease and pest control, follow these simple guidelines before spraying your trees.
Check the weather forecast
If it is raining outside or fog has appeared, the treatment of the garden will be absolutely meaningless: the preparations will simply be washed away with water from the trees before they begin to act. It is not yet necessary to carry out spraying in strong winds - this will complicate the uniform application of the solution. At the same time, the weather in the next two to three days after treatment should also be dry and calm.
Choose the best time
It is better to process the garden early in the morning, in the evening at sunset or in cloudy, but not rainy weather. Bright sunlight combined with chemicals can not only burn the leaves, but also contribute to the rapid evaporation of drugs.
Stock up on adhesive
This special agent is diluted according to the instructions and added to the spray mixture. It helps the protective substances stick to the branches and leaves of the plant, which significantly prolongs the effect of their action. Such drugs are sold in garden centers. Usually on the packaging it is written - "adhesive".
Use protective equipment
You need to prepare mixtures and process the garden in rubber gloves, goggles and a mask, and even better - in a respirator. So you will not let the chemicals get into the respiratory tract, on the skin and mucous membranes.
Sprays can leave stains on clothing that cannot be washed off. Therefore, put on a disposable nonwoven gown or things that you don’t mind ruining.
Enlist the support of your neighbors
Garden processing will be most effective if it is done not only by you, but also by your neighbors. The fact is that diseases and pests can easily spread from one area to another. Agree with your neighbors to spray your trees at approximately the same time - this will significantly increase the chances of getting rid of "intruders" in the garden for a longer time. And if your site is adjacent to the forest, it is worth spraying the nearest wild coniferous and fruit trees - they can also serve as a source of disease.
What safety rules to remember
- Do not eat, drink or smoke while preparing solutions and spraying trees.
- Remember to wash your hands and face thoroughly with soap and water after handling chemicals and gardening.
- For spraying, choose only those drugs that are approved for use in the garden and vegetable garden.
- Keep sprays out of the reach of children and animals and away from foodstuffs.
- Make sure that pets are not near you while spraying the garden, and after the procedure, try not to let them into the treatment areas for another day.
- To prepare solutions, take separate containers, which will later be used only for these purposes.
- Stop tilling the garden 30-60 days before the planned harvest. Specific terms depend on the chosen drug and are indicated in the instructions. This will protect the fruits from the accumulation of harmful substances.
- Before using the drugs, carefully read the instructions and follow the recommended proportions when preparing the solution.
How to treat a garden
Spraying starts from the top of the tree, gradually moving down to the ground. At the same time, you need to try so that the solution gets not only on the upper, but also on the lower part of the leaves - this is where many pests lay their eggs. In addition, you need to carefully process the branches and trunk, as well as spray the soil in the near-stem circle.
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Pump sprayer. Photo: l i g h t p o e t / Shutterstock
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Automatic sprayer. Photo: Roman023_photography / Shutterstock
Various sprayers are used to treat the garden. In pumps, you need to periodically manually pump air with a pump - the pressure in the tank will increase and push the solution out through the sprayer. Automatic do this work due to the built-in battery. You can pour the solution into a bottle from a used glass cleaner. True, the processing of trees with such an apparatus will be too labor-intensive.
To easily reach the tops of the trees, choose sprayers with a long telescopic boom - its size can be adjusted.
How to properly process trees when the buds on the trees are sleeping
Collect old dry leaves and branches from the ground. They can be a source of disease, so they need to be thrown away from the site, or even better, burned. Also, using a brush, gently clean the bark of trees from moss and lichen. Only then can you start spraying.
For the first time, the garden is treated with a 3% solution of Bordeaux liquid. You can also use iron sulfate at the rate of 300 g per 10 liters of water. Urea is also suitable - 700 g of the substance is needed for 10 liters of water. From special preparations, you can take the fungicides "Horus", "Topaz" or "Skor", which are bred according to the instructions on the package.
How to properly process trees when the buds are already swollen, but there are no leaves yet
At this stage, you can spray the trees with the same Bordeaux liquid, but already at a lower concentration - 1%. For the best effect, it is worth carrying out a complex treatment and preparing a protective mixture from different preparations. For example, take Horus, which fights scab, moniliosis and powdery mildew, and mix it with one of the insecticides - Aktara, Iskra, Tanreg or Decis - they will protect against insects.
How to properly process trees when buds appear on the branches
The third treatment of the garden should also be complex and combine preparations for diseases and insect pests. For spraying, the same product solutions are suitable as for the second treatment: mix one of the fungicides with any insecticide. If the air temperature is above 12 degrees, then chemical fungicides ("Horus", "Topaz", "Skor") can replace with biological ones - "Fitoverm" and "Bitoxibacillin" - they become effective with the onset heat.
This treatment requires the greatest care, as different crops have different flowering times. For example, next to a cherry that has just begun to tie buds, a flowering pear can already grow with might and main. Most preparations can be detrimental to bees and other pollinating insects, so when spraying a tree, try to ensure that the solutions do not fall on the flowers of its neighbors.
How to properly process trees when the ovaries have reached the size of a pea
At the fruiting stage, the final preventive spraying of trees from diseases and pests is carried out. For this procedure, all the same mixtures of fungicides and insecticides are suitable as for the previous treatment. For example, take "Horus", "Topaz" or "Skor" to fight diseases and add an insect repellant - "Aktara", "Spark", "Tanreg" or "Decis".