Earn extra income by buying on eBay
Tips / / December 19, 2019
Probably every one of you heard of a simple phrase from someone who buys something on the internet auction site eBay: «But there are cheaper!" Indeed, poor economy and lack of understanding importers needs of ordinary people, leads to a lot of things that can only be bought on eBay: a rare music, electronic components, electronic gadgets and many exclusive vmego another. And all this is significantly cheaper than locally in Russia. But there is a service ProfitBid, which will help you save even more on purchases on eBay.
ProfitBid - American auction partner. The conditions under which the company is working with eBay allows its customers to return part of the profits of that seller lot at auction. Those. ProfitBid returns to its clients about 24.99% of the amount that the seller pays eBay for placement and promotion of goods sold. On purchases of small savings is purely symbolic, but if you go shopping in the taste of the auction, the income will be very significant.
Moreover, each new registered in ProfitBid
receives a bonus of $ 15, which will undoubtedly be useful to you in the US auction eBay.To work with ProfitBid not need to enter passwords to eBay accounts, Paypal, etc. The service itself has confirmed the account in the payment system PayPal for more than 3 years. In addition, Profitbid is a certified member of the WebMoney system.
Additional information about ProfitBid available on the website.
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