Once on the market, I'm talking to a trader from Azerbaijan. Word for word, and we suddenly switched from the selection of fruit and vegetables to the organization of its small businesses. Mamed have more than 10 outlets in the different markets of Moscow. To the question: "How did it all organized?" - I received the following reply:
Mamed, fruitererFor business it is not important to be smart. If this were so, then all the academicians would be rich, but it is not. For business it does not matter much to physically move. If this were so, then the richest would be movers. For business it is important to connect all the parts into a whole.
That's without any MBA simple merchant brought one of the main business rules. Later, I experienced firsthand the validity of his words when he was looking for artists for its project on the stock exchanges work remotely Odesk and Elance. Find programmers and designers with whom you have a rapport that will work not only for the money, but the final result, which are themselves say: "And let me still here will correct, it would be better" - is very difficult. These masters are rare.
And if you're determined to assemble a remote command to work on your application, here are eight tips.
Council first. Work with programmers who speak with the same language. During the work will constantly arise issues requiring clarification. The language barrier will hinder efficient operation.
Tip Two. Try to work with programmers from one time zone to you. In the remote command is such a thing as a ping. Seemingly simple requests, for example, to change the block from red to green, the designer can run 2-3 days! And how many things can be? Tens. Generally, ping - one of the weakest areas of remote commands. If in case the team which is in the office, dates of employment termination on the application must always be multiplied by three, then, when it comes to distributed team - at least five. That is, if you, your programmer and designer agreed to do everything in the past month, in reality everything will be done in five months. And that will not go away!
Tip Three. Try not to work on a prepaid basis. Prepayment usually ask those professionals who are mentally prepared to give up the project on a quarter and half way through. Odesk and Elance provides effective tools for both the programmer protection from unscrupulous customers, and for the protection of the customer from a bad programmer.
Tip Four. Never offer programmers to become partners in the business instead of reduce the cost of application development. Frankly, such a mistake can make a once in a lifetime. As a rule, instead of reducing the cost of developing the customer offers the programmer of the revenue from the application, called royalties. In the end, everything will come to this: a man who has, say, 20%, will be managed by you, in which 80% of the rights on the application.
Tip Five. Before a joint operation Agreement with the Contractor how often you will be discussing progress and getting in between. Yes, it requires constant monitoring. There are, perhaps, in this unpleasant moments, as in any monitoring, but it's better than hearing two weeks after the start: "I have not yet started. I've got a problem upstairs neighbor filled... "
Tip sixth. Negotiate with many artists. Ask them about price, ask to show the published applications in the App Store. Look for information in Google, or Facebook. Explore the artist before starting to work together.
Tip seventh. Try to find a programmer-designer. Or a pair of current programmer and designer. It is difficult, but in this case, for the quality of the application can be calm.
Board of eighth. Try as soon as possible to respond to the requests of artists clarify something, to provide additional materials, and so on. Remember Ping, do not let laziness to slow down the work.
These eight tips, of course, does not pretend to be complete, but in any case, give an idea of how to organize the work of a remote command. And what are your experiences? Share your tips in the comments. Let's make a joint guide and help programmers, designers and publishers to organize work in a team.