Why do we need a rapid test for coronavirus and is it accurate
Miscellaneous / / February 08, 2022
Rospotrebnadzor does not approve self-diagnosis.
What is a rapid test for coronavirus
This is the test strip inflictedHow accurate are rapid tests for diagnosing COVID-19? / Cochrane a substance that reacts to specific proteins of the SARS‑CoV‑2 virus or to antibodies developed against them. The principle of operation is similar to pregnancy tests: if a second strip appears on the reagent, the result is positive, there is an infection.
Express test is faster PCR or ELISA testing (this is when blood is taken from a vein to determine the presence of antibodies to coronavirus in it). If the results of the latest methods have to waitPCR, antigen and antibody: Five things to know about coronavirus tests / The European Commission at least a few hours, then rapid tests - only 15-30 minutes. Moreover, they do not need a laboratory, special equipment or any additional training.
What are rapid tests for coronavirus
Two types of quick tests are common today:
- If takeMemo. Express test for coronavirus / Ugra City Hospital Finger blood is a rapid test for antibodies.
- If you need a swab from the mucous membrane of the mouth or nasal cavity, this is a rapid test for the COVID‑19 antigen, that is, for a specific protein that is formed during virus replication.
Both the first and second options can be freely bought at a regular pharmacy. However, it is still better to do an antibody test in a laboratory - the skin should be pierced in compliance with all the rules. Home rapid tests usually calledPCR, antigen and antibody: Five things to know about coronavirus tests / The European Commission antigen tests.
Who needs to do a rapid test for coronavirus and when
US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) experts listSelf Testing / CDC indications for a home rapid test:
- When there are signs of a cold. The rapid test is able to capture coronavirus antigens at the very start of the disease, even before the production of antibodies in the body.
- Before meeting other people indoors. Verification is needed to infect surrounding.
- In case of obvious malaise even after a negative rapid test. Doctors advise repeating the analysis again after 24 hours.
V rulesDecree of May 22, 2020 No. 15 "On the approval of the sanitary and epidemiological rules SP 3.1.3597-20 "Prevention of a new coronavirus infection (COVID-19)""developed by Rospotrebnadzor, and recommendationsTemporary guidelines. Prevention, diagnosis and treatment of novel coronavirus infection (COVID-19) The Ministry of Health indicated that rapid antigen testing can be carried out in situations where standard testing, for example with using PCR, it is impossible - for example, if a person lives in a remote region or for other reasons is unable to get to laboratories.
In early February, the head of Rospotrebnadzor Anna Popova separately warnedBriefing by Tatyana Golikova, Minister of Health Mikhail Murashko and Head of Rospotrebnadzor Anna Popova / The Russian Government Russians from trying to self-diagnose covid by home methods.
Anna Popova
Head of Rospotrebnadzor.
Only a medical worker can figure it out, who will make a special test (today they are absolutely available in all medical institutions) and determine the disease.
How to make a rapid test for coronavirus at home
For tests from different manufacturers, the procedure may have different nuances. Therefore, you need to carefully read the instructions on the package. In general, a home express check for covid looksHow to Get a Self‑Test / CDC So:
- wash your hands in warm soapy water for at least 20 seconds.
- Open the test box and read the instructions.
- Take a biomaterial sample from the nose as instructed. Tools for this are included.
- Apply the sample to the test strip.
- Wait for the time indicated in the instructions and check the result.
Is the coronavirus rapid test accurate?
The accuracy of the results is lame. The research organization Cochrane reviewed existing data on the topic and establishedHow accurate are rapid tests for diagnosing COVID-19? / Cochranethat in people with symptoms and confirmed COVID‑19, antigen tests correctly identified the infection an average of 72% of the time. If the illness was no symptoms, the accuracy rate dropped to 58%.
However, the main task of rapid tests is to catch a possible infection as quickly and cheaply as possible at the very start, that is, at the very first symptoms. And with this task kits for home use quite cope.
What to do after receiving the results
According to the interim guidelines of the Ministry of Health, a positive result consideredTemporary guidelines. Prevention, diagnosis and treatment of novel coronavirus infection (COVID-19) as confirmation of the diagnosis of COVID‑19. A person with such an analysis result is considered infected by default.
If there is a suspicion that the express test was wrong, you need to pass the PCR test - it is as accurate as possible. If there is no doubt about the diagnosis, further actions are simple: self-isolate, call a general practitioner or the call center of your polyclinic and follow the recommendations of the doctors.
Negative result does not excludeTemporary guidelines. Prevention, diagnosis and treatment of novel coronavirus infection (COVID-19) coronavirus infection. Therefore, if there is no second strip on the test, but you feel a cold, too worth stayingBriefing by Tatyana Golikova, Minister of Health Mikhail Murashko and Head of Rospotrebnadzor Anna Popova / The Russian Government Houses. At least until the symptoms are completely gone.
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Author and editor of articles on health, psychology, sexology. I have been working in medical journalism for over 15 years. I rely on the principles of dokmed, love and know how to search and analyze relevant research in world scientific journals. I try to write simply and clearly about the most complex diseases. I believe that understanding the mechanism of the development of the disease means taking the first step towards recovery.
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