What will change in the laws from February 2022
Miscellaneous / / February 01, 2022
They will increase maternity capital, information about medical taps will be entered into the vaccination certificate.
Pension, maternity capital and some other payments will increase
In February, it was decided to index the insurance pension by 8,6%Federal Law No. 1-FZ of January 28, 2022 “On Amendments to Article 22 of the Federal Law “On State Pension Provision in the Russian Federation” and Article 10 of the Federal Law “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation on the Appointment and Payment of pensions»» compared to 2021. It should be borne in mind that since January 1, it has already been raised by 5.9%. So now we must add the difference between these two values.
In addition, some other payments will increase by 8,4%Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 27, 2022 No. 57 "On approval of the coefficient of indexation of payments, benefits and compensations in 2022". This will affect, for example, maternity capital. The amount for the first child will increase from 483.9 thousand to 524.5 thousand rubles. Some other benefits - children's and not only - and compensations will rise. More about it -
in a separate article.People with a coronavirus vaccine exemption will receive a QR code
From February 1, information about contraindications for vaccination, health workers will have to transferOrder of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated November 12, 2021 No. 1053n "On approval of the form of medical documentation" Certificate of conducted preventive vaccinations against a new coronavirus infection (COVID‑19) or the presence of medical contraindications to vaccination” and the procedure for its issuance, forms medical documentation "Medical certificate of preventive vaccinations against a new coronavirus infection (COVID‑19) or medical contraindications to vaccination and (or) past illness caused by a new coronavirus infection (COVID‑19)” and the procedure for its management, as well as the form “Certificate of preventive vaccinations against a new coronavirus infection (COVID‑19) or medical contraindications to vaccination and (or) a previous disease caused by a new coronavirus infection (COVID-19)»» to the general information system. Thanks to this, the data will be included in the medical certificate - the one on which the QR code is indicated. A document with a code can be obtained at the State Services, but not only - we will talk about this in detail already wrote.
Pushkin card will be allowed to pay for trips to the cinema
Pushkin card can be issued by Russians from 14 to 22 years old. The state credits a certain amount to it and allows you to spend it on cultural trips. Now it is 5 thousand rubles. From February 1, 2 thousand of them can to spendDecree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 28, 2021 No. 2509 “On Amendments to Certain Acts of the Government of the Russian Federation on the implementation of measures for the social support of youth aged 14 to 22 to increase accessibility cultural organizations" for movie tickets. But only domestic films that are supported by the Ministry of Culture are allowed to watch for budget funds.
For more information about the Pushkin card and the rules for its use, see separate material.
The minimum income of debtors will be protected from write-offs
If a person does not pay bills or borrowed money and does not return, the creditor can go to court and win it. Then the bailiffs enter the case, who collect the debt, that is, they take money and property.
But you can withdraw from the debtor Not all. For example, compensations related to harm to health, or property with which he earns, are protected from this allowance. So, a seamstress will not be deprived of a sewing machine, a programmer will have a single laptop.
New rulesFederal Law No. 234‑FZ of June 29, 2021 “On Amendments to Article 446 of the Civil Procedure Code of the Russian Federation and the Federal Law “On Enforcement Proceedings””, since February, a part of the debtor's income, which is equal to the subsistence minimum for the able-bodied population, is also protected. The amount is determined in each region separately, so the specific figure should be found out locally. On average, it is about 13 thousand rubles.
In order for this money not to be written off, you need to contact the bailiffs with a statement. In it, you must specify the details of the account on which this amount will be left. It is also worth bearing in mind that this will not work for all types of debt. For example, the money will still be collected in case of debt on alimony or for damages.
The condition of the house will be indicated in extracts from the USRN
To the unified state register of real estate contributeFederal Law No. 148‑FZ of May 26, 2021 “On Amendments to the Federal Law “On State Registration of Real Estate”” data on whether the house was declared unfit for habitation or emergency and what awaits it - demolition or reconstruction. This information will be visible even in public extracts from the USRN. This can be extremely useful for those who are looking for housing. in the secondary market. With a few keystrokes, it's easy to know whether an object is worth watching or not.
Complete data on emergency houses must be transferred to Rosreestr by July 1, 2022. Until that day, the relevant information for a particular house may not be in the statement. So it's better to double check the information.
Read also🧐
- What will change in the laws in December 2021
- What will change in the laws from November 2021
- What will change in laws in 2022
I write for Lifehacker about money, law and rights, things that make life easier, better and more fun. And of course, I check the advice on myself: I get tax deductions, I file declarations online, and I also paid off my mortgage ahead of schedule and forced the post office to find my package.