Still, application developers - even those inventors. Only they can come up with the most incredible application functions, which we consider standard and unremarkable. One example of such a creative approach to application developers - Cycloramic on the iPhone.
This application will enable a completely new way to look at the process of photographing a panoramic picture on the iPhone. Only 99 cents, you get rid of the need to do to keep in the hands of the phone, while he makes the panorama. Using the built-in vibration motor, Cycloramic allows you to rotate your iPhone to 360, 720 or even 1080 degrees (ie, three complete revolutions around its axis). If you are afraid that because of the iPhone vibration falls every 5 seconds - it is not so. It's not the vibration.
The fact is that in order to make a really good panorama, you will need quite a smooth surface. Otherwise, the phone may just get stuck or fall in the process of shooting. But, if you have the time, then find (or make) an acceptable surface is not difficult. Also, keep in mind that the application removes only in portrait mode, which is not very good.
The video below is very clearly describe the process of shooting, and at the same time, show some more pitfalls in Application: if the frame has a close or distant objects, the iPhone camera is out of focus, change the white balance, color reproduction. But again, if all provide some of these troubles can be avoided.
[youtube v = 2JNeq6dzzT8]
[youtube v = WjTGaCOGKp0]
Even with all the disadvantages, we advise you to try Cycloramic in the field - the results, despite the fact that you do not hold the iPhone in your hands, received very entertaining.
Cycloramic in the App Store | 0,99$