From euphoria to loss of consciousness: what happens to the body at different stages of alcohol intoxication
Miscellaneous / / December 13, 2021
First glass: slight intoxication
- Blood alcohol level: about 0.3-0.5 ppm.
The party begins: the first toast "To the meeting!" or to spend the old year. After one glass, the body releasesExperts Explain What Happens To Your Brain After A Glass Of Rosé / Bustle endorphins - for a while, the mood improves, and the person becomes more relaxed. In an effort to prolong the euphoria, the body will require the next dose. Already at this moment, the reactions slow down a little, but in general the person will hardly notice any changes in comparison with the sober state.
Blood alcohol levels can vary based on height, weight, and gender. In women, due to the ratioE. Blaak / Gender differences in fat metabolism / Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition and Metabolic Care fat and water in the body, the concentration of alcohol with an equal volume of alcohol consumed will be greater. Also, the degree of intoxication depends on the rate of alcohol consumption, the amount of food eaten and the water drunk.
And even if you stop at one serving, it can affect your condition the next morning. For example, it is enough to wake up with increased M. R. Piano, L. A. Thur, Ch. Hwang, Sh. A. Phillips / Effects of Alcohol on the Cardiovascular System in Women / Alcohol Research Current Reviews blood pressure.
Second glass: slight intoxication
- Blood alcohol level: about 0.5-1.5 ppm.
The main moment of the night is coming! The chimes strike 12, the clink of glasses - and the second dose of champagne enters the body. The feeling of euphoria still continues: self-confidence is growing, it is easier to find topics for conversation even with strangers, the holiday seems more fun.
However, at the same time, theDifferent Stages of Alcohol Intoxication / American Addiction Centers Sunrise House the ability to make informed decisions, coordination begins to deteriorate, it becomes more difficult to adequately perceive information. Some people may feel sleepy.
But getting a good night's sleep is unlikely. With an increase in the amount of drunk, it fallsAlcohol and Sleep / Sleep Foundation sleep quality: after one glass by about 9%, after two - by 24%, after three - by 39%. Because of this, even after a full eight hours of rest, a person can feel overwhelmed.
The unpleasant symptoms of drunkenness are not the only consequence of drinking. Drinking alcoholic beverages in large quantities or very often, such as every weekend, will affect the overall condition of the body: can ruin the liver and kidneys, impair heart function, or even cause development cancer.
In total, experts associate more than 200 diseases with alcohol consumption. A portal about a healthy lifestyle will help to part with alcohol forever Ministry of Health of Russia and the national project "Demography». His motto is "Zero is the best degree for life." You can find all the information about the dangers of alcohol and useful resources in the section "Independence». In addition to articles with relevant research and statistics, the portal contains recommendations and advice, which will allow you to give up alcohol and not succumb to temptations such as the persuasion of colleagues or friends.
Give up addiction
The third and fourth glasses: medium intoxication
- Blood alcohol level: about 1.5-2.5 ppm.
The holiday continues. The champagne is already pouring in and the alcohol in the blood arrives. And it becomes noticeable externally. At this stage, it is possibleWhat are the effects of alcohol? / Australian Government Department of Health dizziness and staggering gait; some have nausea. Keeping an easy and casual conversation is no longer so easy. In a state of moderate intoxication, the mood changes quickly: at one moment a person is happy and cheerful, at another he may start crying or get angry. Irritability increases markedly: any word spoken by other guests of the holiday can be perceived with hostility.
In a state of average intoxication, it becomes easier to agree to any adventure and get injured imperceptibly. The pain threshold is reduced, and it will not be possible to correctly assess the degree of damage, for example, from a fall. But in the morning the body will ache. In addition, after this dose, it may already appearHangover cures / HealthDirect severe hangover with facial swelling, headache and nausea.
More than one bottle: high intoxication
- Blood alcohol level: about 2.5 - 3 ppm.
The holiday dragged on until the morning, and the second bottle of champagne was used. Keeping balance in this state is no longer an easy task. During walking, slight staggering appears, it becomes difficult to get up from a sofa or chair without support.
The nervous system at this moment is as relaxed and inhibited as possible: it is difficult to respond to stimuli, control your actions and speak clearly. At the same time, the person himself will probably be convinced that he is keeping the situation under control. It may be related K. B. Francis, M. Gummerum, G. Ganis, I. S. Howard, S. Terbeck / Alcohol, empathy, and morality: acute effects of alcohol consumption on affective empathy and moral decision-making / Psychopharmacology with the influence of high doses of alcohol on the ability to assess what is happening around: empathy from alcohol suffers, but the ability for moral assessment changes insignificantly. As a result, a person may waste large sums of money or commit risky acts, thinking that this is exactly what he wanted.
With severe intoxication, nausea, vomiting and dizziness also appear, the skin turns pale, a person may even lose consciousness. There is a chance that some of the events taking place will be erased from memory.
More than two bottles: alcohol poisoning
- Blood alcohol level: 3 ppm or more.
The party never ends. The second bottle is over, it's time for the third. The body is experiencing severe alcohol poisoning. It can be accompanied by a complete blackout (the next day a person will hardly remember what happened to him), involuntary urination and defecation can be added to vomiting. In some situations, there areAlcohol poisoning is a mortal danger / seizures, heart rhythm disturbances and thermoregulation - body temperature rises or falls.
In such a state, a person cannot be left alone to “sleep off”. An urgent need to seek professional help. A high dose of alcohol can lead to an alcoholic coma or even death.
Drinking alcohol is a dangerous addiction. But abandoning it on your own can be difficult. In the case when one desire is not enough in the fight against temptations, you can turn to professionals. To assess the state of the body and get recommendations - in Health centersworking with the support of the national project "Demography». And for qualified and controlled assistance in the fight against addiction - to state drug treatment centers.
If a person is not ready for one-on-one meetings, he can call the toll-free hotline 8 800 200 0 200: there experts will answer questions and share advice. You can pre-check if there are already problems with alcoholic beverages using checklist on the portal of the Ministry of Health of Russia about a healthy lifestyle
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