8 life lessons from the "Matrix" for which we love her so much
Miscellaneous / / December 10, 2021
The legendary franchise not only entertains, but also helps to believe in yourself and look at the world differently.
The film by the Wachowski duo, released in 1999, turned cinema upside down. The directors shot an exciting fantasy action movie, but filled it with deep meaning and references to philosophical works. The second and third parts developed the ideas of the authors and brought the story to its logical conclusion. However, in 2021, the sequel "The Matrix: Resurrection" will appear, which will once again immerse viewers in a familiar world.
Caution, further text contains spoilers! If you are not ready to know them, read our material about the main roles of Keanu Reeves.
According to the plot, the main character Neo learns that everything around is a computer simulation. But in fact, power has long been seized by machines that use people to generate energy. Together with Morpheus and Trinity, the hero tries to free humanity, because Neo is the Chosen One who must change the course of history.
Despite the fantastic plot, The Matrix raises many topics that are relevant to our world. Therefore, the picture can be perceived not only as an entertaining blockbuster, but also as a collection of important life lessons that will be useful to everyone.
1. Appreciate freedom and truth over comfort
One of the most powerful scenes in the opening film is the moment when Neo has to choose a blue or red pill. The first will help you forget about what is happening and will allow you to continue to live in an illusion. The second will show the hero what is really going on in the world.
Essentially, Neo is faced with a choice between comfort and freedom. And he prefers the latter. At the same time, most of those around them are quite happy with life in an illusion: the truth can be frightening and even cruel, and the fictional world is very convenient. Weak people like the villain Cypher are completely ready to go for betrayal in order to return to more familiar conditions.
But only by freeing himself and leaving the comfort zone, a person gets the opportunity to change something. Development is impossible without people like Neo and Morpheus. And sometimes it's worth sacrificing position to move forward.
2. Don't be afraid to change your mind if you learn something new.
In the finale of the first film, Neo learns that he is still the Chosen One, although the Oracle Oracle said otherwise. But in the sequels, the hero discovers new facts for himself.
The Architect of the Matrix says that the emergence of the Chosen One is another way of controlling humanity by machines. Releasing it helps to avoid program crashes. And in the finale, Neo, who fought the sinister agent Smith all the time, realizes that sometimes the only way to win is to surrender.
It turns out that the once revealed truth may turn out to be only the next stage of development. Acquiring new knowledge, a person changes and corrects his attitude towards people, their actions and other components of life.
3. Use progress for good
It may seem that the picture is dedicated to the struggle of mankind with machines. But do not forget that initially artificial intelligence was invented by people themselves in order to make their life easier.
And more importantly, the inhabitants of Zeon who escaped from the Matrix also create all kinds of technologies to receive light and heat. And they use their inventions for the war with machines.
It turns out that the same things can bring both good and destruction. The only question is which hands they fall into.
4. Realize that the world is how you perceive it
The strange boy says to Neo: "There is no spoon." Perhaps this is one of the main phrases for the entire film. «Matrix”Says that the whole world is illusory, it is only important how a person perceives it. The only difference is that in the Wachowski painting, machines impose deception, and in ordinary life, everyone creates his own reality.
This is why the child advises that there is no need to try to bend the spoon. Better to just adjust your perception. A person cannot really change the world around him, but he is able to see it differently. For example, to notice more opportunities rather than obstacles. Or look for positive rather than negative traits in others.
5. Believe in yourself and your purpose
Morpheus had no doubt that he would find the Chosen One. For the sake of his convictions, he was ready to sacrifice himself and even risk the existence of the entire free world. And as a result, this belief helped the heroes to win.
Also preparing Neo for the first jump from one building to another, Morpheus says that there are really no restrictions, you just need believe in yourself. When the hero fully realizes this, he realizes that he can even fight the agents, not inferior to them in speed.
Often, in order to do something, you just need to admit the very possibility of it. And then it will be revealed that hindrances do not really exist.
6. Don't quit if something doesn't work the first time
The jump mentioned was not very successful for Neo. In the middle of the flight, he got scared and fell to the ground. Fortunately, the action took place in a simulation, and the hero escaped with minor bruises. After that Cypher uttered the wise phrase: "We all fell for the first time."
Any person, even the most talented, is mistaken at first. The child is hit repeatedly when learning to walk. And every adult who takes on something new often gets bumped. Only experience and practice helps. And, as mentioned above, belief in yourself.
7. Take time to learn new things
In the world of the "Matrix", liberated people are able to load into their heads any skills: from knowledge oriental martial arts before flying the helicopter. But still, during the first sparring between Neo and Morpheus, the others are amazed at how quickly the beginner learns.
Unfortunately or fortunately, in our world, speed learning is more of a myth or a superpower. Therefore, even with a photographic memory or innate physical strength, try to learn something new and develop old skills. And only then will the skills become truly unique.
8. Fight the darker sides of your nature
From the second film, Agent Smith becomes Neo's main opponent. And the Oracle once tells the Chosen One that the villain is his reflection. Smith's powers grow in parallel with Neo's skills. But he directs his abilities to seize power, and not to free others.
In the same way, each person periodically has to struggle with their negative sides or inclinations. Congenital organization can develop into inadequate control, and the ability to easily relate to everything - into indifference. Therefore, the main battle very often takes place within a person. And it's worth, like Neo, to avoid negative manifestations of your character.
Perhaps the "Matrix" also helped you to look at the world differently? Let us know in the comments what lessons you've learned from this legendary franchise.
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