How to cope with shyness and become more confident
Tips / / December 19, 2019
One of the users Quora I asked readers a question that worries many people: "How do you deal with shyness?". Taking into account how topical this subject, we decided to share with you the user's response.
Learn to be bold
Shyness - this is the exact opposite of confidence. So, if you aspire to be a confident person, then you must have the determination to do what you are afraid of. For example, to make a speech before a large audience. However, before you do this, you need to set yourself up properly, encourage yourself, say to yourself, "I'll do it." This will help you to be more courageous and confident. The more you try to deal with their shortcomings, the closer you get to your goal - to stop being shy person.
Do not be afraid to talk to others
Practice, practice and practice only. Talk to other people with a glass of wine or a cup of coffee or tea. Ask the person that brought him to this place, to this event. If he would support the conversation, ask him to tell you a bit about myself, about what he does in life than is interested, that he loves, and what is not.
The interviewee feels that you are interested in them, and this Place it to you. Communicate with others as much as possible, do not hesitate to make new acquaintances, and after a while you will notice how your shyness start to evaporate.
Change yourself and your thoughts - that's the best way to overcome shyness. Make yourself a new haircut, refresh your wardrobe, and believe me, that you have changed for the better - changes in life will not take long to wait.
Keep a daily struggle with shyness
That's what helps me to keep a daily struggle with shyness:
- Do not be afraid of failure. If a complete stranger or acquaintance deny you something, you think about it, is that really so terrible and you lost something?
- Stop yourself cheat and represent all the most terrible. In his own mind, you are in captivity, from which you can not get no one but yourself. If you put yourself down in every way, it will soon do believe it and start to behave accordingly. Others will be enough just to look you in the eye, to understand everything: extremely insecure person in front of them.
- Remember that nobody's perfect. Other people have exactly the same drawbacks and problems as you. No, I do not encourage you to rejoice in the fact that "the other is not better", just understand that all are experiencing the same way as you do. And most people do not have time to think about you.
- Inhale-exhale. Everything will be okay.
Believe in yourself
Well, shyness - it's not such a serious problem. Shyness comes from uncertainty and, therefore, the best way to overcome shyness - is to become more self-confident.
You are afraid that others will laugh at you or condemn you. Do not think about it. Walk with your head held high, smile and do not be afraid to talk to others first. Just believe in yourself.
Any failure - this is a wonderful lesson
Shyness - this is something from which many people suffer from, and including myself. I believe that there is a big role playing our upbringing and environment. Do not be afraid of what other people think about you. You should not give it much importance, you should be able to take risks. Do not worry due to the fact that some people may laugh at you. Every failure, any failure - this is a wonderful lessonWhich in the future will help you become more confident. And do not forget to remind yourself that you will cope with this problem.
Other people do not think about you
I am also a shy girl, and I always wanted to change this. Every time I have to say even a couple of sentences before a large group of people, I say to myself:
They are strangers to you, they are absolutely nothing about you know. It is unlikely that they will remember your name or recognize you in a couple of days on the street. Even if you do something wrong, they just laugh and a minute later it will be forgotten.
It may seem too simple and naive, but it really works, at least for me. I, for one, is not very good at English, but I can focus on the main goal - to bring the idea to the people and try not to pay attention to their errors.
Requisitions their weakness and become stronger
Always try to go against his shyness. Your doubts and uncertainty - that's what makes you weak. Be above it, and you will become stronger.
Shyness - inner monster
I was also very shy. There is a feeling that lives inside of me for some evil being who wants to take control of my body and my life (maybe it sounds silly, but it's true). My main goal was a daily struggle with this internal monster, that is, I tried to do exactly what he is afraid to do. Of course, I made a lot of mistakes and a lot of stumbling, before learning all the rules of the game.
And then the inner monster left my body.
And as you struggle with shyness? Share in the comments.