A balanced diet: how much protein, fat and carbohydrates you need
Miscellaneous / / December 01, 2021
What is important to know about proteins, fats and carbohydrates
Every food you eat on your plate is made up of nutrients: protein, fat, and carbohydrates. All of them are equally important for the body, and the lack of one of the nutrients will sooner or later affect health and general well-being.
Proteins are high molecular weight organic substances composed of amino acids. They are the main building blocks in our body. All cells, tissues and organs are made of protein. In addition, some proteins actThe Central Role of Enzymes as Biological Catalysts / The Cell: A Molecular Approach. 2nd edition as catalytic enzymes: they increase the rate of chemical reactions in cells and play an important role in metabolism. Also proteins answer for hormonal balance and immune protection. Therefore, they should definitely be in the daily diet.
Eggs, meat, fish, seafood, cottage cheese and cheeses are rich in protein. This nutrient is also found in plant-based foods such as broccoli, almonds, lentils, and soy. Therefore, you can get the right amount of protein, even if you are vegetarian, vegan or raw food diet.
Russian nutritionists thinkthat the physiological need for protein is 75-114 grams per day for men and 60-90 - for women. Lack of protein can lead toDietary protein quality evaluation in human nutrition / Report of an FAO Expert Consultation to a decrease in immunity, fragility of bones and loss of muscle mass. Protein-deficient people can also experience general weakness, lack of energy, and decreased performance. Exceeding the recommended norms is also dangerous: excess protein in food increasesDietary protein quality evaluation in human nutrition / Report of an FAO Expert Consultation the risk of developing arterial hypertension, renal failure, obesity and diabetes.
There is a stereotype that fats in foods spoil your figure and harm your health. In fact, a lot depends on what kind of fat you eat.
All fats are categorized as saturated and unsaturated. They differ not only in chemical structure, but also in the effect on the body. There are a lot of saturated fats in pork, lard, and hard oils such as coconut, butter, and palm. You cannot get carried away with these products, because they increase blood cholesterol levels can influence the development of type 2 diabetes mellitus, obesity and cardiovascular disease. At the same time, a complete rejection of saturated fats is also not the healthiest practice, because they are involved in thermoregulation and are necessary for the normal functioning of internal organs. Consumption of saturated fatty acids for adults and children should make up no more than 10% of the calorie content of the daily diet.
Unsaturated fats are even more interesting. They are mono- and polyunsaturated. Both are beneficial fatty acids. The most famous are monounsaturated omega-9 and polyunsaturated omega-3 and omega-6. Foods high in unsaturated fat are good for youAbdelhamid AS, Martin N, Bridges C, Brainard JS, Wang X, Brown TJ, Hanson S, Jimoh OF, Ajabnoor SM, Deane KHO, Song F, Hooper L. Polyunsaturated fatty acids for prevention and treatment of diseases of the heart and circulation / Cochrane Library for the body, as they help to reduce blood cholesterol levels, increase vascular tone, prevent heart attack or stroke. These include liquid vegetable oils, pumpkin and sesame seeds, nuts, and sea fish.
The only category of fat that needs to be eliminated from the diet entirely is trans fats. They are found in spreads, margarine, store-bought mayonnaise, industrial baked goods, deep-fried and junk food. Trans fats increaseTrans fat is double trouble for your heart health Print / Mayo Clinic blood cholesterol levels can cause heart problems, obesity and diabetes.
Carbohydrates are the main fuel for the body. In the process of digestion, they are converted into glucose, and that, in turn, is absorbed into the bloodstream through the mucous membrane of the small intestine. To process glucose, the pancreas produces insulin. The hormone makes the cells in our body break down sugar and use it for energy.
This scheme of carbohydrate processing has determined their main division into simple and complex. Simple carbohydrates found in soda, candy, sweet baked goods, "work" quickly, but ineffective: glucose is released instantly, blood sugar rises and just as sharply decreases. Abuse of such food is fraught with violation of metabolism. Cereals, cereals, legumes, vegetables, greens are considered complex carbohydrates, and they should be a healthy diet. They are digested slowly, so glucose is released and processed without sugar jumps, which means it is safe.
The glycemic index is indexwhich helps to determine if a complex or simple carbohydrate is in front of you. The higher it is in a particular food, the faster carbohydrates raise blood sugar levels. Healthy eating and diabetes prevention imply a reduction in the proportion of foods with a glycemic index greater than 70 in the diet.
Want to start eating healthy but don't know where to start? The national project “Demography». To build a balanced diet, it is enough to study the facts confirmed by the medical community. On the portal healthy ‑ nutrition.rf collected recommendations from experts of Rospotrebnadzor, RAS and research institutes. And in the section “4 seasons - a plate of a healthy person»You can find a food diary, calorie calculator and other useful services.
All site materials healthy ‑ nutrition.rf, from recipes to training courses, are written in collaboration with medical doctors, academics, distinguished doctors and nutritionists.
Learn all about healthy eating
How to find the right ratio of protein, fat and carbohydrates
A balanced diet implies a certain ratio of nutrients in the diet. Experts recommend allocate about 56–58% of the daily caloric value to carbohydrates, no more than 30% to fats, and fill another 12–14% with proteins.
If you do not want to get confused in daily calculations, remember the formula “one protein, one fat, four carbohydrates». And in order not to worry at the end of the day for a shortage or excess of one of the nutrients, mentally divide the plate into three equal parts. Two of them should be complex carbohydrates, the third - fats in half with proteins.
It is also important to learn how to count calories and adjust portion sizes based on your daily energy requirement. Calculate first body mass index (BMI). It will tell you if you are underweight, normal or overweight. Next, you need to decide on the daily calorie intake. Excess body weight requires a calorie deficit, insufficient body weight requires a surplus, and with normal weight, it is worth maintaining consumption at the current level.
It is important to understand that the daily calorie requirement is a purely individual value. It depends on gender, age, physical activity. In order not to get confused in the calculations, use special calculators or food diaries.
How to cook food so that nutrients don't break down
The benefits of a dish depend not only on the amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in its composition. How the food is prepared is equally important. For example, fish rich in proteins, microelements and healthy fats will become harmful if you fry it until golden brown in a large amount of oil.
Boil, bake, sauté, or eat raw are some of the healthiest cooking methods. Try not to over-salt your food. Salt hides the natural taste of the dish, moreover, its excess can become cause health problems. The same recommendations apply to Sahara. It is advisable for an adult to eat no more than 25 g of sugar per day, or 5 teaspoons.
Eating right can seem difficult and expensive. But this is not the case. We have collected several ideas for a balanced menu that prove that healthy eating can be affordable, simple and tasty.
Baked omelet with vegetables, cheese chickpeas and fresh herbs
Whisk a couple of eggs with your favorite vegetables such as tomatoes, red onions, herbs, and bell peppers. Pour the mixture into a nonstick dish and place in the oven.
Separately mix a couple of tablespoons of boiled chickpeas with paprika, a drop of olive oil and a pinch of grated cheese. Spread a thin layer over the pan and bake until golden brown. Serve breakfast on a pillow made from fresh herbs.
Porridge on the water with fruits and nuts
Boil your favorite porridge made from whole grain oats, bulgur or corn grits in water. Place in a bowl, add a small teaspoon of honey. Garnish with nuts, berries, or fruits. Enjoy!
Zucchini pancakes with curd cream
Grate the young zucchini on a coarse grater. Squeeze out excess liquid. Add spices, egg, and a couple tablespoons of flour. Fry the pancakes in a non-stick skillet without oil. It can be under the lid.
Add your favorite herbs, some tomatoes and spices to the soft cottage cheese. Place the cream on the crêpes and serve until cool.
Vegetable puree soup
Stew your favorite vegetables in a small saucepan: onions, carrots, zucchini, tomatoes, bell peppers. When vegetables become soft, cover them with water or any low-fat broth, add spices. Use a blender to whip through the prepared soup.
Serve with homemade crackers and fresh herbs.
Bowl with chicken and vegetables
Put in a deep bowl boiled buckwheat, pieces of chicken breast baked in spices, chopped fresh vegetables and herbs: cucumber, tomato, bell pepper and rucola. Add a couple of tablespoons of canned corn. Drizzle with olive oil and lemon juice before serving. A healthy lunch is ready!
Baked fish cakes with garnish
Add grated carrots, finely chopped onions and a boiled egg to the minced white fish. Don't forget the spices. Form patties with wet hands and send to bake. To make them juicy, place a container of water on the bottom of the oven. Serve with boiled rice and fresh cabbage salad.
Beef stew
In a deep bowl with a thick bottom, fry the beef pulp with onions. The non-stick coating allows you to cook without oil. Add eggplant, carrots, bell peppers, green beans, and tomatoes. Don't forget the spices, aromatic bay leaves, and finely chopped garlic. Simmer until tender.
Sprinkle the stew with fresh, finely chopped herbs before serving. Dill, parsley and young onion feathers are ideal.
Fish with vegetables and rice
Drizzle the fish steak with olive oil, rub in the spices and place in the oven in a foil or parchment envelope.
Boil broccoli and cauliflower. Top vegetables with your favorite dressing. For example, from a mixture of olive oil, soy sauce and garlic. Sprinkle sesame seeds on the side dish. Top up the dish with brown rice.
Vegetable salad with beans and feta cheese
Cut your favorite vegetables into a deep bowl - fresh cucumber, tomato, pepper. Tear the greens or Chinese cabbage leaves with your hands. Add a couple of tablespoons of boiled beans and pieces of tart cheese.
For dressing, combine unrefined fragrant oil, a spoonful of granular mustard and a couple of drops of balsamic vinegar. Sprinkle the pumpkin seeds over the salad.
Tips for choosing products, recipes for delicious and healthy dishes, life hacks and interesting articles about food can be found on the portal healthy ‑ nutrition.rf. The resource was created to teach readers how to eat right: count calories, choose foods rich in healthy nutrients, monitor weight and health.
Every day, Rospotrebnadzor experts, doctors, employees of the Russian Academy of Sciences and research institutes prove that a balanced diet and well-being is easy. Eat right with the national project "Demography»!
I want to eat right