How beautiful to present and sell the idea: 9 Strategies
Tips / / December 19, 2019
Surely you have in stock some interesting ideas that might blow up the world! But... they still remain in your head or just on paper due to the fact that you do not know how beautiful they present to those who can help in the implementation of financially. Simply put, we often can not beautifully presented his idea to the sponsor. So much so that his eyes lit up and he was ready not only to help start, but also to develop a bright future. You do not know how?! Then seek advice!
I think it's better to ask again a few times than to look stupid. And ask for advice from people who know all sacred. At this time I offer you 9 tips from Mike Brown (Mike Brown) - head Brainzooming Group
Their usefulness will be judged by testing at least one of the items. So there you go!
1. Reinforce the idea facts. And the facts, it is desirable should be from reliable sources and are backed by numbers (when the project will become self-sufficient, the potential profit, etc.). If they do not sound convincing, it is better to look for more reliable. Even better, if the figures will be served in a nice wrapper.
2. Tie emotions to facts. Dry figures and graphs of revenue growth - it's good, but somehow insipid. If you are able to bind to them emotions, your idea can become not just interesting but also infectious. Emotional connection in this case is important, not less, than the facts, based on validated data.
3. Visualize your idea. Beautiful, high quality made presentation - is half the battle. It should show the essence (and as little water as possible), the heart of your ideas. The presentation will be more understandable to people, the more chances you have to sell the idea.
4. Create a clear plan for implementation of the idea. If you do not have obvious steps to implement, then the chances of success tend to zero. In this case it is better to bypass the standard "how to". Try to show as clearly as possible the interested party, what investments are needed and what action should be taken, that the idea was successfully implemented.
5. Make your idea easy to understand. Try to break it up into several simple blocks (support fund implementation). Promote it as a great idea, but be happy if you offer something in between.
6. Gradually build your support step by step. Without waiting for a large (main) meeting for the presentation of your ideas, start in advance to build support for working with the right people in person. Talk in advance with the people who listen to the opinion of the company, which you propose an idea. If the personal conversation they are supportive, but at the general meeting, for whatever reason, will fluctuate, you can gently remind them that before they completely support you.
7. Be prepared to an important point. Some of the ideas you are working on, can outstrip the time (people can not understand why it is necessary at this time and did not see the future). But this does not mean that you need to quit. Continue to prepare, discuss ideas with others, follow market trends. And then at the right time you will be able to make a ready-made idea in a new industry at a time when others only begin to move in a new direction.
8. Enlist the support of an influential person. It would be great if you had an influential friend to whom many are listening, and that supports your idea. It does not have to be a public person. Even better would be if it was someone from the leaders of the organization who are interested in where their capital is and how it develops. If possible, begin to work with these people towards their involvement in the project.
9. Choose good "seller". Find someone who can sell your idea much better than you do. If you understand that selling ideas is not your thing, and you know someone who could do it much better than you - hire him! Even if you end up with this idea will not associate you and your "seller", it is much better than if she had not been implemented.
So, for sale need to have a clear idea of its implementation plan, facts, backed up by numbers and "stuffed" emotionally, ease of understanding, well-chosen "godfather", the correct (preferably charismatic) "seller" and, of course, vision. It has always been a mystery to me how some people understand that this product (service, service) will be relevant in a year. They rely on the experience of those who are ahead of the rest, and your intuition. And, most importantly, how they then manage to infect other people with his ideas.