7 ways to manage e-mail, without killing it all the time
Tips Productivity / / December 19, 2019
If you're like me, you probably spend a lot of time for review and analysis of e-mail. However, I needed to have a lot more time if I was not able to find effective ways to manage my mail. I've heard about people whose mailboxes are stored more than 1000 unread emails. And yes, it makes me wonder. Below are tips on how to effectively and efficiently manage your emails.
1. Do not check your e-mail too often
Yes, checking e-mail and its treatment as soon as received the letter - it's good, but if you obsessively check your mail and spend time prochityvanie the same messages over and over again, you never save time. Set a specific time to check e-mail and answering emails. This will greatly help you to keep the balance of life / work.
2. Star your letters
Most email services you have the ability to add shortcuts to your letters. So you can mark specific letters to be answered promptly; those that can wait; personal, at work and so on. Marking their emails, you can save a certain amount of time, because you can just look at the label and letters you do not need to open it and read it. Also, if you read the letter and decided that the answer can wait, you can mark it as unread. So you will not forget to answer it. Thus, you can, just by looking at your Inbox, determine which emails need immediate treatment and which ones can wait.
3. Create templates
If you have found what you are saying the same thing to many people, then you can simply create a standard template. Of course, your emails should not be similar to those that write robots. But if you write the same thing in a variety of letters, the template will help you to keep a certain amount of time.
4. Remove letters from members if working with finished writing
An empty inbox - a wonderful thing. Once you have completed all the work with the E-mail, move it to another folder or archive. The main thing is that this letter will no longer appear in your inbox. That way you will not waste time figuring out, have you read this letter or not. Instead, you'll know that the work is completed to the letter, because the letter no. Also, a small number of emails in your inbox saves you from stress and gives new strength.
5. Unsubscribe from subscriptions to sites that you do not use
All get emails that they never open, but still continue to receive them. If you have this type of emails in your inbox, which arrive daily or weekly, unsubscribe from them! These letters can be from shopping, social networking, etc. Also turn off all notifications on the sites, except those that you really need.
6. Sort it out with a letter at the time, how to read it
Instead of having to read all the emails in your inbox before you answer them, you should try to answer or respond to a letter in the course of reading. Read and complete the entire job with a letter at a time.
7. Do not send so many letters
If you do not want to receive a lot of emails, you do not need to send so many letters. It's simple. The more letters you write, the more letters are likely to get back. (via lifehack.org)