What is thrombophlebitis and how to prevent it
Miscellaneous / / September 10, 2021
This disease can be confused with a sprain. But sometimes it is deadly.
What is thrombophlebitis
ThrombophlebitisThrombophlebitis - Symptoms and causes / Mayo Clinic Is an inflammation of the veins, in which blood clots form inside the affected blood vessel (blood clots).
The affected vein may be located near the surface of the skin. In this case, they speak of superficial thrombophlebitis. UsuallyPhlebitis (superficial thrombophlebitis) / NHS inflammation occurs in the veins of the legs below the lower leg, but sometimes affects the vessels on the arms, penis or chest.
If the vessels are affected deep inside the tissues, this type of disease is called deep vein thrombosis. This usually happens in the legs.
Why is thrombophlebitis dangerous?
Inflammation of superficial veins is unpleasant, but most often not dangerousPhlebitis (superficial thrombophlebitis) / NHS. The diameter of these vessels is small, and small blood clots usually dissolve on their own within a few weeks.
But thrombosis of larger deep veins sometimes leads to serious complications.
Thrombophlebitis - Symptoms and causes / Mayo Clinic:- Pulmonary embolism. If a large blood clot comes off, it can travel to the lungs with blood flow and block an artery that carries air-saturated blood to the heart. This process is deadly.
- Postphlebitic (postthrombotic) syndrome. This condition can occur months or even years after the thrombosis. It causes long-term pain, numbness, swelling, and a feeling of heaviness in the affected leg.
How to recognize thrombophlebitis and when you need to urgently seek help
The main symptomPhlebitis (superficial thrombophlebitis) / NHS superficial thrombophlebitis - swollen skin over the affected vein. This "bump" is usually dense and hot to the touch. It can hurt when touched.
Deep vein thrombosis manifests itself as sudden swelling and pain. Unpleasant sensations are concentrated over the place where the blood clot occurred, but the edema sometimes spreads over a large area - for example, the entire lower leg.
When to call an ambulance
Dial 103 or 112 immediately ifThrombophlebitis - Symptoms and causes / Mayo Clinic:
- the vein has greatly increased in size and is very painful;
- against the background of symptoms of thrombophlebitis, you have shortness of breath, chest pain, coughing up blood. This may indicate that an embolism begins.
When to see a doctor
If there are no warning symptoms, thrombophlebitis is most likely not dangerous. He canPhlebitis (superficial thrombophlebitis) / NHS go through on your own. But still make an appointment with a therapist or phlebologistif pain in the vein area makes it difficult for you to walk or rest.
How to treat thrombophlebitis
The first thing the doctor will do is to clarify the diagnosis. A medical examination is enough to suspect thrombophlebitis. But to confirmSuperficial Thrombophlebitis: Symptoms, Causes / Cleveland Clinic inflammation is possible only with the help of vascular ultrasound.
The fact is that the symptoms of thrombophlebitis are similar to signs of muscle strain or ligaments. The results of the study will help the physician understand what exactly he is dealing with and what treatment is needed in a particular case. An ultrasound scan also needs to be done because every fifthSuperficial Thrombophlebitis: Symptoms, Causes / Cleveland Clinic a person with superficial thrombophlebitis also has deep vein thrombosis.
Superficial thrombophlebitis is not treated. As we have already said, most often the body copes on its own. To help you feel less painful, your doctor will recommendPhlebitis (superficial thrombophlebitis) / NHS that's what:
- lie down with your legs raised. This will improve the outflow of blood, so the swelling will be less;
- make a cold compress. Apply to the area that hurts, gauze or a cloth dampened in cool water;
- try to move more so that the blood does not stagnate;
- if a small area hurts, rub it with anti-inflammatory cream or gel;
- wear compression stockings: they also help reduce swelling;
- take a pain reliever and anti-inflammatory medication, such as ibuprofen.
If your condition does not improve, or if a specialist detects deep vein thrombosis, therapy will be more serious. You may be assignedThrombophlebitis - Diagnosis and Treatment / Mayo Clinic:
- blood thinning medications (anticoagulants). The first doses are sometimes given by injection to stop clot growth as quickly as possible. Next, the doctor will prescribe anticoagulants in the form of tablets. You may have to take them for several months. British National Health Service experts warnPhlebitis (superficial thrombophlebitis) / NHS: If you have been prescribed blood thinning medications, do not take ibuprofen or acetylsalicylic acid products on your own. Such pain relievers can be drunk only after consulting your doctor;
- drugs to dissolve blood clots. They are usually prescribed for patients with extensive deep vein thrombosis and those at high risk of pulmonary embolism;
- installation of a vena cava filter - the main vein in the abdominal cavity. This procedure is performed for people who, for various reasons, cannot take anticoagulants. The filter will keep the blood clot out of your lungs.
Where does thrombophlebitis come from?
Superficial thrombophlebitis may occurSuperficial Thrombophlebitis: Symptoms, Causes / Cleveland Clinicif you accidentally hit your hand or foot. But often its reasons cannot be established.
But the risk factors are quite clearly establishedThrombophlebitis - Symptoms and causes / Mayo Clinic and superficial thrombophlebitis, and deep vein thrombosis:
- Phlebeurysm.
- Passive lifestyle. The likelihood of thrombophlebitis increases, even if you are active, but for some reason have to spend several hours sitting in a row. This happens, for example, during long flights or car trips.
- Long periods of inactivity. They are encountered, in particular, by people who are bedridden after surgeries.
- Pregnancy and the first 6 weeks after delivery.
- Taking birth control pills or hormone replacement therapy: Both factors can accelerate blood clots.
- Age over 60. However, experts from the American medical organization Cleveland Clinic claimSuperficial Thrombophlebitis: Symptoms, Causes / Cleveland Clinicthat the risk of thrombophlebitis increases after 40 years.
- Being overweight or obese.
- Transferred earlier stroke.
- Thrombophlebitis that have already happened in the past.
- Various oncological diagnoses.
- Installed pacemaker or central venous catheter. These devices irritate the walls of the blood vessels, which can cause inflammation.
What to do in order not to get sick with thrombophlebitis
Certain risk factors cannot be avoided: you are unlikely to get younger and you will definitely not be able to reverse a stroke that has already been suffered. But you will still be able to do something.
Here are the key rulesThrombophlebitis - Symptoms and causes / Mayo Clinic prevention of thrombophlebitis:
- Move more. If you are traveling by bus, train, or flying by plane, get up and walk down the aisle at least once an hour. For those who are driving, doctors recommend to stop and get out of the car with the same frequency.
- If there is no way to get up and stretch out, do leg exercises: move your feet and toes for a few seconds. Ideally, if you do this at least 10 times an hour.
- Stay hydrated.
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Author and editor of articles on health, psychology, sexology. I have been working in medical journalism for over 15 years. I rely on the principles of docmed, love and know how to search and analyze relevant research in world scientific journals. I try to write about the most complex diseases in a simple and accessible way. I believe that understanding the mechanism of the development of the disease means taking the first step towards recovery.
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