5 ways to get rid of old technology profitably
Miscellaneous / / September 10, 2021
In some cases it will be possible not to spend too much, in others - to earn.
It is not always legal and correct to just throw out old equipment. If we are talking about bulky waste, it is allowed to carry itResolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 12, 2016 No. 1156 "On the handling of solid utilities waste and amendments to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 25, 2008 № 641» only to specially equipped sites. And the devices often contain heavy metals, mercury and other substances hazardous to health. They must be disposed of in a special way. For disposal in a regular landfill, you can getAdministrative Code of the Russian Federation, article 6.35. Failure to comply with sanitary and epidemiological requirements when handling production and consumption waste fine.
To dispose of technician is correct, you need to contact a specialized company and pay for its services. But there are other ways in which you can profitably get rid of devices.
1. Give away for nothing
Since you have to pay for recycling services, it becomes profitable to give away the equipment for free. So you at least go to zero, and not to a minus. The recipient depends on your social circle and the needs of your acquaintances. For example, an old laptop may well become the first computer for a child of friends.
To expand the circle of potential recipients, you can write a post on social networks or post message on the free classifieds site. The only caveat: for some reason, the messages "I will give it for free" often attract people who will cut off the phone, but in the end they will make everything look like you owe them something else. Therefore, sometimes the symbolic price of 100–500 rubles acts as a barrier that cuts off such characters.
Obviously, working devices are more suitable for distribution, albeit morally outdated. Although broken equipment can be taken for parts.
2. Hand over to an ecocompany
Not everywhere, but in large cities there are definitely environmental projects that accept technology without requiring additional payment. For example, the service Svalka represented in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kazan, Ivanovo, Tuapse, Khabarovsk, Samara and Rostov-on-Don. Acceptance points for vehicles in different cities are also collected on website Association "SKO Electronics - Utilization".
3. Sell whole
And not only for a symbolic payment, but also for quite real money. For example, you decide to update microwave and sell the old one. There are many people who will not refuse to get a working device and save money. Even if the microwave is very old, it is still capable of heating food in the country or in the back room.
However, non-working devices can also come in handy. First, for spare parts. And here, just the older the device, the more profitable it can be sold. Because there is no other way, except for buying a duplicate, to get a spare part. Secondly, you never know what your old stuff can be useful for. For example, the so-called unboxing rooms are becoming popular, where for a certain fee you can destroy furniture, appliances and other household furnishings. Such companies are happy to buy out "inventory".
The easiest way to sell is through websites free ads.
4. Sell for parts
If you want to get confused, you can disassemble the equipment yourself and sell each part separately. It will turn out to be more profitable than offering the entire device. Of course, this works if the device has a lot of important spare parts. However, you can never guess what people might need, so it makes sense to offer anything that is more or less useful. For example, in a laptop, sometimes not only the filling is valuable, but also the keyboard or screen frame.
Important: after parsing, you may have potentially harmful parts of the device. Please make sure to dispose of them through specialized collection points.
5. Hand over for recycling for bonuses
Some companies are ready to pick up old equipment, including faulty ones, in exchange for discounts on future purchases. For example, such programs are in “El Dorado», «M Video», DNS. Tele2 accepts old phones in exchange for communication services. In general, find out what offers are in your city. As we have already determined, even recycling that costs nothing is a financial bonus.
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