What is blepharoplasty and why should it be done
Miscellaneous / / May 18, 2021
If you are tired of bags under the eyes or drooping eyelids interfere with looking, you can contact a surgeon.
What is blepharoplasty
BlepharoplastyBlepharoplasty Is a surgical procedure that removes excess skin and accumulated fat around the eyes and tightens weakened muscles. This lifts the drooping eyelids, and some people even get better peripheral vision.
But removeBlepharoplasty - series — Indications dark circles under the eyes, fine wrinkles and blepharoplasty will not help to change the position of the eyebrows.
Who is blepharoplasty done?
Usually, people who are unhappy with the look of their eyelids go to the operation. But there are medical indications for interventionBlepharoplasty:
- baggy or drooping upper eyelids;
- excess skin over the eyes that makes it difficult to look;
- bags under the eyes;
- excess skin under the eyes.
Who is not recommended for blepharoplasty?
There are no absolute contraindications to surgery, but there are diseases in which the risk of complications increases. Therefore, doctors do not adviseEyelid lift to do blepharoplasty for those who have:
- diabetes;
- dry eye syndrome or the production of tears is impaired;
- heart or vascular disease;
- high blood pressure;
- hyperthyroidism or Graves' disease, in which the function of the thyroid gland is enhanced.
How to prepare for blepharoplasty
Before performing the operation, the surgeon will conductBlepharoplasty inspection, will measure the size of the eyelids and take pictures of them. In addition, the ophthalmologist should check for tearing and vision.
A few days before blepharoplasty, you need to stop taking pills that reduce blood clotting, such as warfarin or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. To improve wound healing, doctors recommendBlepharoplasty quit smoking.
How is blepharoplasty performed?
You do not need to go to the hospital for several days to have the operation.
The procedure takes only about 30 minutes. At the very beginning, the doctor will injectEyelid lift a local pain reliever that makes the eyelids feel numb. And only after that it will start working. The surgeon will make small incisions along the natural folds of the skin and remove excess or adipose tissue. Then he will tighten the flabby muscles, and at the end he will suture the wound.
What to expect after blepharoplasty
After surgery, a sterile bandage is attached to the eyelids. The patient remains under the supervision of a medical staff for several hours, and then can go home. When the anesthesia wears off, pain and discomfort will appear. Therefore, it is allowed to take an over-the-counter pain reliever pill.
In the first weeks sometimesEyelid lift lacrimation increases, light and wind cause discomfort, and vision often doubles or becomes blurry. This is normal.
To recover from blepharoplasty without complications, the doctor will give recommendationsEyelid lift:
- Keep your head above the rest of your body, sleep on a high pillow. This will help prevent severe swelling on the eyelids.
- Apply ice cubes compresses to your eyes, after wrapping them with a thin towel. This should be done on the first day after the operation.Blepharoplasty every hour for 10 minutes, then 4–5 times a day.
- Avoid strenuous activity for 3 weeks, due to which blood pressure rises.
- 2 weeks not to wear contact lenses.
- Instill special moisturizing drops in the eyes to reduce the burning sensation.
- Do not rub your eyes.
After 5-7 days, the doctor will remove the stitches, but the bruisesEyelid lift on the skin can last 2-4 weeks. A pink scar will first appear at the incision site. But after 6 months or more, it will turn pale and almost invisible.
What complications can appear after blepharoplasty?
Blepharoplasty is not a complex operation and, as a rule, goes without any complications. But sometimes there areEyelid lift:
- damage to the eye during surgery;
- difficulty closing the eyelids during sleep;
- dry eyes;
- bleeding from a postoperative wound;
- uneven healing and formation of rough scarring;
- infection and inflammation of the eyelids;
- violation of the symmetry of the eyelids.
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