After the upgrade to the new OS X Mavericks, you may have noticed a slight change in the appearance of your dock. He still glass, but unlike Mountain Lion, frosted glass (or with the effect of "freezing"). Some users users do not object to such changes, others, on the contrary, painfully react to it. If you are among the latter, I have great news for you - a simple trick, you can make your doc again transparent.
As you probably guessed, we need a terminal. Open it from the menu Programs — Utitlity — Terminal or through Spotlight. We just need to enter one team. Here she is:
defaults write hide-mirror -bool true; killall Dock
After entering the command, restart the dock and it will work immediately - no restart is required. Doc will be transparent and will reflect the application icons.
If you want, you can restore everything as it was, with the same team only with a key «false». Here's how it looks:
defaults write hide-mirror -bool false; killall Dock
After entering, the dock again restarts and becomes opaque, and reflection icons almost disappear. By the way, I personally prefer this option, but the mirror is also good, but already rather pall.