4 tips that will make you an expert in what you want
Tips / / December 19, 2019
There is a popular theory that to become an expert in some area, you need to practice for at least 10,000 hours. But many people understand it is usually wrong, so its creator Anders Eriksson tells what to do, that the theory worked.
What most people do not understand? Firstly, according to Eriksson, typically 10,000 hours should not be taken literally. The amount of time required for the development of skill varies depending on its use. Secondly, you do not become an expert by simply repeating the same action over 10,000 hours.
Eriksson suggested guidelines to help you find the right path.
Anders Eriksson (Anders Ericsson)
Author of Rule 10 thousand hours, a psychologist.
1. find a mentor
Hard training is important, but even more important to understand exactly what to do. That's what mentors.
Talk to someone you admire, a man who does what, what would you like to do. Ask him about the way to its goal, the difficulties that have arisen, and ways to overcome them.
2. Try to do otherwise
The main problem of people who want to something to succeed, is that in fact they are not trying to get better. To improve your skills, you need to get out of your comfort zone.
Dan Coyle (Dan Coyle), the author of books about the development of talent, believes that the optimal number of successful attempts - from 50 to 80%. Smaller index will disappoint you, and more will mean that you are not running over. To get better, you need to focus on their weaknesses.
3. Knowledge is not equal to the action
Standing watching football does not make you an athlete. That knowledge to work, they must be put into practice. Follow the simple scheme: focus your efforts will get a feedback → → correct deficiencies.
4. Consider past mistakes
feedback sometimes have to wait a very long time. In order not to slow down the process, take a look at previous examples of his work that have already been evaluated by someone.
Analyze your mistakes and successful moments. This method works well when you find it difficult to obtain immediately a review of what you are doing.