What are money phobias and manias? Psychiatrist Alexander Chomsky tells in the podcast "Spent"
Podcasts / / January 07, 2021
You can notice mental abnormalities yourself, but in order to cope with the problem, you need the help of a specialist.
It is almost impossible to accurately calculate how many people in the world have phobias or anxiety disorders. Not everyone turns to specialists for help, so statistics do not see them. But surely everyone at least once in his life experienced fear associated with money - to lose savings, to be robbed, to take an unprofitable loan and not pay it back. At what point rational fears develop into anxiety disorders and what to do about it, the guest of the podcast "Wasted" knows - the head of the psychiatric department of the clinic Human Brain Institute RAS Alexander Chomsky.
By the way, if you hear strange sounds on this podcast, don't be alarmed or alarmed - these are just the tricks of the birds that littered our soundtrack.
01:00 - Alexander talks about his work experience, about three "psychos" in medicine, the prevalence of phobias and their self-diagnosis.
06:40 - Pavel is trying to figure out: how to understand that the wife is really a shopaholic, and not just a spender? Alexander provides clues to the answer to this question and tells how shopaholics cope with mania.
15:15 - fear of loans - phobia or principle? Is it necessary to lead a person to a psychologist or psychotherapist if he is afraid borrow large sums?
17:42 - what is the fear of the final account, what is hidden behind this phobia and what to do when less than half of the salary remains on the balance sheet, and until the next one another whole month.
22:00 - what do people with chrometophobia suffer from and how can a person live with this disorder.
25:28 - fear of getting rich - phobia, fiction or cover for the lazy? Alexander explains why people can be afraid of success.
28:25 - the psychiatrist tells what fear is actually behind peniaphobia - the fear of impoverishment.
30:28 - kleptomania: what motivates people with this disorder and why they (and everyone else) should not be afraid of going to a psychiatrist.
34:08 - advice from Alexander: what to do if you notice psychological problems associated with money.
35:35 - "Shopping" section. Pavel recently acquired weather station from Xiaomi and now from the phone it can monitor the air temperature and humidity level in the office. The presenter claims that the weather in the house affects its performance. And Alexander loves to spend money on clothes - the last time he shopped in a store UNIQLO. He says that this year there is a good collection.
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Read also🧐
- How to know and get rid of your money disorder
- Why it's important to remember that money is a tool, not a goal
- Shopaholism as a diagnosis: where does the craving for purchases come from and how to overcome it