How to get rid of unpleasant household odors
Tips / / December 19, 2019
In your home smells like cats? Or you terribly annoying "flavor" of fresh paint? All that you need to get rid of all these irritating household odorsYou can find in your kitchen.
Persistent smell of fish
If you are going to cook the fish, but worried that after a long time will not be able to wash away the unpleasant odor of hands before cooking, cut the lemon in half and rub the hands halves. If, after you prepare a meal, your hands will still smell like fish, mash them a bit of baking soda and then rinse with water.
To the smell of fried fish is not standing in your kitchen for a whole week after the cooking, add the oil, which you use for frying, a little peanut butter.
The smell from the rubbish bin
That in the trash can had no unpleasant smell, every time you release it from the contents, pour some baking soda on the bottom. The fact that soda - one of the most effective natural deodorizing agents.
The smell of the refrigerator
There are several ways to get rid of odors in the refrigerator. You can put yourself on the night in the refrigerator or in the freezer a few coffee grounds in a wide shallow dish.
For the same purpose, you can use tea bags. Constantly keep in the refrigerator for three or four bags, they readily absorb a variety of odors. If you ended tea, peel raw potato and cut it into two halves. Then, place the halves on different shelves of the refrigerator. When the blackened potatoes, cut dark surface and return the remaining bits to its original location.
If an unpleasant odor from your refrigerator is too strong, you can use a more radical way. Completely empty it and wipe the inside with undiluted tomato juice, and then - with warm water. With the freezer, you can do the same.
The smell of animal fat
The next time you cook something, using animal fat, put on a wide kitchen with a cup of vinegar. The fat will accumulate on the surface of the cup, and the ugly odor will not spread throughout the room.
The smell of paint
Although the freshly painted walls look great, smell of paint can prevent you from enjoying the view. To the smell was not so sharp, add to every four liters of paint one tablespoon of vanilla extract.
The smell left in the containers out of food
If you use a container in which there used to be some kind of food, you can face the problem of the smell left over from the former contents. Put some liquid mustard on the bottom of the banks and fill it with warm water half. Gently mix the contents, allow the mixture to stand for 15 minutes and then pour it and rinse container. This will help you to remove odors.
The smell of mold in the dishwasher
If there was a putrid smell reminiscent of the smell in your dishwasher mold, Sprinkle the bottom of a cup of baking soda machine and a rinse mode.
To prevent unpleasant odors, with each use of the dishwasher, add half a cup of lemon juice in the tank for detergent.
The smell of the shoes
In order to rid your shoes from the smell of sweat, Before you put on it, put inside each shoe sage leaves. Sage has a light pleasant fragrance and kill bacteria. In the evening you can easily shake the leaves of shoes to replace the old to the most recent.
To bad smell does not even show up in your shoes every day for 20 minutes, take a foot bath with the addition of tea. For every liter of water you need to take two tea bags. Within two weeks your feet will sweat a lot less.
The smell of burning in the kitchen
Your dinner burnt and the kitchen filled the unpleasant smell? Soak a towel (or any cloth) vinegar and wave your towel in this room.
You can also cut a couple of lemons into pieces and put them in the pan, then heat the oven to 225 ° and bake the lemon for an hour or hour and a half. After that, leave the oven door open and let the natural air freshener to do their job.
And burnt smell of boiled milk can be mitigated, poured into a pan small amount of water and sprinkled with its inner surface salt. After 10 minutes, rinse pan.
Chemical smell from the oven
In order to fully wash the oven, it is sometimes difficult to do without chemical cleaners. However, after their peculiar smell remains in the oven, which is transmitted during subsequent use and food. To avoid this, after the application of chemicals, wipe the oven with a sponge soaked in white vinegar. Before the next time, make sure that the vinegar is completely dry.
Undesirable odors in the microwave
You've just washed microwave ovenAnd she looks flawless. But the nasty smell has not disappeared. To get rid of it, put a couple of tablespoons of vanilla extract in the oven and turn it on for one minute on high power. Allow to cool vanilla and, if necessary, repeat the procedure.
Scents that leave pets
We took the kitten, which is not yet accustomed to the toilet? Dispose of odor remaining after undesired incidents by mixing white vinegar and water in a ratio of 1: 1 and the resultant solution watering place which marked your favorite. Allow the solution to soak through a half hour and wash it with cold water. Wipe right place to dryness and then put on top of a cloth or paper towel and giving them some heavy object. If after all these manipulations, the smell will not disappear, on the affected area can pour ⅛-¼ cup of baking soda, leave for 15 minutes, then vacuum.
In general, from the cat's or dog's smell can be removed using fresh coffee grounds. Preheat it to a cast iron skillet over low heat. Then put the pan into the room with an unpleasant odor. By the time when the grounds are cool, the smell should disappear.
Unpleasant smell in the car
If your car someone was sick or you often eat fast food in it, even after a thorough cleaning, you will be hard to get rid of the odor. Try to leave for the night on the floor of the car cup of undiluted white vinegar. If you have vinyl seats, you can sprinkle a small amount of baking soda and rub it into the material by hand or with a soft brush. Leave the seat in such a way at night and in the morning vacuuming them.
In order to have in your car always smelled good, keep in the ashtray coffee beans or baking soda.
The smell of damp clothes on
To refresh your clothes that smell of dampness, you can sprinkle it with vodka. Alcohol kills bacteria and prevents the formation of unwanted odors.
The smell from the sink
To get rid of it, pour a cup of salt down the drain, then - a cup of baking soda, and then pour a liter of boiling water there. You can also grind the orange peel or chop ice cubes, consisting of water and white vinegar in a 1: 1 ratio, and pour into the sink.
The advantage of the above described methods is that they involve the use solely of natural resources. Therefore, these ways to get rid of unpleasant household odors are not only effective, but also harmless.