“Current problems of inheritance management” - course 25,000 rubles. from MSU, training 2 weeks, date May 22, 2023.
Miscellaneous / / December 07, 2023
The program allows you to improve your skills by studying a wide range of aspects of inheritance law - from a general understanding of this institute, about the subjects and objects of inheritance to the protection of inherited property, its management, inheritance planning and etc.
Form of study: Part-time (evening) with the possibility of remote online connection
Course scope: 24 ac. hours
Move to a new level of professional development
Meet the rapidly changing demands of the market and social environment
Become a successful law firm manager
A unique synthesis of academic knowledge from Moscow State University
Certificate of advanced training from Moscow State University named after M. IN. Lomonosov
Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor.
Graduated from the Faculty of Law of Moscow State University. M. IN. Lomonosov in 2002
From 2002 to 2005 studied full-time graduate school at the Department of Civil Procedure of Moscow State University. In February 2006 defended his thesis at Moscow State University on the topic “Call proceedings in civil proceedings.”
He began working at the Faculty of Law in 2006. as an assistant.
Conducts seminars on the course of civil procedure. Reads special courses “Special Proceedings”, “Notary”.
Priority of scientific research: types of civil proceedings, special proceedings, notaries.
Information about the scientific activities of Argunov V.V. in the MSU database TRUE
Subjects of classes:
Section 1. General provisions on inheritance. Subjects and objects of inheritance
Topic 1.1 The concept of inheritance. Grounds of inheritance. Inheritance legal relations. Stages of inheritance registration
Topic 1.2 Subjects of hereditary succession.
Topic 1.3 Qualified entities formalizing inheritance rights, entities taking measures to protect inheritance and management: legal status, powers, responsibility. Special subjects of the process of protection and management: trustee, executor/executor of the will.
Topic 1.4 Objects of hereditary succession. Problems of legal regulation of hereditary succession of enterprises; property complexes; separate real estate; shares in the authorized (share) capital of a corporate legal entity; securities (including uncertificated); exclusive rights; money; other property.
Section 2. Protection and management of inherited property
Topic 2.1 Determination of the status of property as inherited. On the debts of the testator and the rights of third parties in relation to inherited property. Search for inherited property. The role of title and title documents in the registration of inheritance.
Topic 2.2 Protection of inheritance. Agreement for storage of inherited property.
Issues of protection of inherited property placed in a safe deposit box (security/inventory, inspection as security of evidence).
Topic 2.3 Agreement on trust management of inherited property. Conclusion, execution, management control, taxation.
Topic 2.4 Valuation of inherited property as a component of the process of protection and management of inheritance. Subjects having the right to evaluate inherited property.
Topic 2.5 Fixation and accounting of expenses for the protection and management of inherited property. Problems of reimbursement of expenses to qualified subjects of inheritance protection and management.
Section 3. Succession planning: an introduction to legal regulation
Topic 3.1 Succession planning. Institutions of inheritance planning as tools for preparing for the management of inherited property. On the joint will of spouses. A will with conditions for the creation of an inheritance fund. Inheritance agreement.
Based on the results of completing the course, students receive a certificate of advanced training on the form of M.V. Moscow State University. Lomonosov.
The final certification takes place in the form of a test.
G. Moscow, territory of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosova, Leninskie Gory, d. 1, p. 13