Welcome to the new Layfhaker
Tips / / December 19, 2019
Above this update we've been working for about a year. We have long wanted to get rid of O to become a classic ribbon and then, finally, it happened. Now our home page can (and will appear as anything :). We want to show you more content on any topic, he writes about Layfhaker.
Pages Articles steel cleaner and neater. We resolved a number of navigation issues - there was a sidebar with a list of all entries.
But inside Layfhaker changed much stronger than the outside. Download speed has become significantly higher, page weight dropped, but we still have a large supply of on-site optimization.
To control the main page and the bands we have created a special unit called Ringo. It allows real-time control the output of articles and articles to build in manual or automatic mode.
We continue to use WordPress and now, probably, is one of the biggest sites in Russia on this CMS. In WordPress, of course, has its drawbacks, but the pros still outweigh.
We will need some more time to polish the little things and eventually roll out everything we intended. In the meantime, we are ready to hear your feedback, suggestions and report found bugs;)