Memory does not happen much
I am sure that any Windows-based PC user knows such a postulate as "RAM does not happen much." Yes, the operating system from Microsoft - is noble "eater» RAM, but no less notable are its user and machine based on the Mac OS. Of course, the lack of this resource in the Apple computers is expressed not so much - there is usually no wild brakes, but the overall slowdown is not difficult to notice the OS. Applications run slower spinning icon appears often, informing that the system "thinks" and so on. D.
Accordingly, the more RAM in your PC, the better. If your computer was purchased in those primeval times when the RAM strips cost its weight in gold, now is the time to change them to something more capacious, the price of memory has long been within reasonable limits, although this can not be said about the original accessories offered Apple. I do not know what's the "magic", but often order additional hardware modules to Apple or creating individual configuration can cost several times more expensive than the standard model of modernization independently. In addition, Apple machines collected by individual order, in Russia, Ukraine and other CIS countries are truly crazy money. So, let us upgrade yourself, the more that it is done it is very easy, although it should adhere to certain rules which are discussed below.
And you follow safety rules?
These rules are universal for any modification of RAM (and other expansion cards too), whether on a PC, Mac or laptop, regardless of manufacturer.
Rule №1 - no static electricity. Statics "kills" the memory in an instant - one spark and the module can be hung on the wall as a sign of the sad reminders of personal carelessness when dealing with delicate computer "iron". It is necessary not only to remove the static electricity, but does not "charge" as far as possible in the short time it took on the approach to the computer. It should touch the finger unpainted metal faucet and it is possible and under a stream of water drop. It is advisable to remove the wool socks, sweaters, synthetic clothing that is well electrified. All of this, perhaps, a kind of paranoia, but I personally did not bring it, and usually any modifications passed without incidents on my part, but those were dozens, if not hundreds (not just yourself updated hardware for the long-standing practice of working with a PC). Another precaution - you must try not to take the bar for memory chips, and it is better to take it for a printed circuit board along the edges. Also not recommended to pass the bar from hand to hand, holding the chip.
Rule №2 - no need to exert much effort when removing and installing memory modules. It is understood that, if desired, you can insert anything and go anywhere, but to work then the device may refuse (Seen cases where people managed such as "score" the memory module with the side or stick AGP-card connector PCIe).
Now you can start modenizatsii iMac. In general, the installation of the memory in most thin monoblock Apple Intel-based passes the same. There are only small differences in design for cover strips. The iMac models production in 2006 (beginning, middle, end) has one compartment with two slots for memory modules SO-DIMM, which are located one above the other. In a monoblock production mid 2007 and later models, there are two compartments with four seats for RAM strips. In both cases, the compartments are on the bottom side of the device, covered with a special cap which is fixed by two or three cogs respectively. To loosen them, you need to use a screwdriver with the size of tetrahedral Philips №2 profile. By the way, the screws fixed to the cap, and fear that they will fall out and get lost, it is not necessary.
Getting modernization
Before embarking on a RAM upgrade process, you need to prepare the workplace. For this fit a clean table, covered with a soft cloth, which prevents scratches on the display. Or, instead of fabric can be used a porous packing material, which was wrapped around the iMac, when still in a nice cardboard box. I worked with him. In cloth or packing material placed iMac display down. You can take it by the edges and gently put, or the stand, the latter option seems to me more convenient and easier. After that, it is necessary to lift the stand up to get access to the plug compartment for RAM.
Remove the two bolt, in the case with older iMac will get access to the RAM modules, held two plastic latches.
Even if you plan to add only an additional module without removing what is already installed, the plastic clamps still have to bend to the side. You can then add another module, or install two new ones. Insert the strap until it clicks necessary, they should come easily (small force is applied at the end to a click). Pay attention to the connector on the memory module - it consists of two parts. The one that less has to be left. Once the modules are installed - return the latch to its original position - this is done with a little effort, that's fine. But it is better to see once than to read a lot of times, respectively, watch the video:
The iMac production mid 2007 and later models, including the latest aluminum, remove the memory strips it happens a little differently. The photos below (the first two above) illustrates 21.5-inch device. Remove the three screw and opening the compartment for the RAM, you will find a couple of modules, covered with a pair of flexible tongues of material that resembles film.
They are easily removed (it is enough to hook a screwdriver or nail, if any, and pull themselves), providing access to the memory stick, but that's not all.
It must be hard to take the tab with your fingers and pull it toward you. I do not know in other instances, but that I had the good fortune to disassemble, had to make considerable efforts. Even having fears that just come off the tongue, but it never happened. With an easy click of the memory plank popped a couple of millimeters out of its slot.
After that it can be easily removed by hand. As you can see - it is a regular module DDR3 PC8500 Samsung production. No magic, and even apple logo is not.
And here's an empty seat, freed from the burden of RAM:
For greater clarity, watch the video:
With regard to the compatibility of the latest iMac models you can use any standard modules DDR3 1066 MHz (PC3-8500, unbuffered, parity and ECC) up to 4 GB (ie, the total amount of RAM can be up to 16 GB). It is advisable to take something from under brand Samsung, Kingston, Hynix and other well-known manufacturers.
For more information about the compatibility of memory modules in the models of 2007 and 2008 can be read on Apple website. Official information about the compatibility of the earlier models is on this address.
Successful upgrade!
iMac to parse the given store "America"