All computers - whether it's a super, or Mac Pro the thinnest MacBook Passive cooling - emit heat during operation, and this can not escape. This is quite normal, until the temperature is within acceptable limits. But if you hear the noise of the cooler operating at full speed, and hands begin to burn the body warmed up, it's time to do something about it.
Overheating in the first place subject to laptops (because of its portability), but the candy bar and desktop computers it is also not a stranger. So our advice is useful to all, without exception, makovodov.
Why Mac overheats
Before we begin to deal with overheating, we need to understand its essence. The reasons for the increased heating may be different, but in the case of Apple computers is usually the case in too dense placing of internal components due to the compactness and lightness of devices. Despite the energy efficiency increases with each passing year, when a large number of components located in a small housing, heat inevitably increases. If you do not pay attention to the higher temperature, then eventually it will affect
battery lifeAnd may also cause damage to other components, such as GPU.How to avoid overheating
Check-intensive applications
Applications mercilessly expenses Mac resources are one of the main causes of overheating. Sometimes the application hangs or fail under loaded processor at maximum and, consequently, causing increased heat generation. Find hung and demanding applications can be through a "monitoring system": all processes that consume more than 70% of the processing power, refer to the "greedy". If this is not the primary tool with which you are currently working on, for example, Final Cut Pro, calculate the project, it is best to complete the process. And resources are freed, and Mac will not be heated.
Monitor the temperature
Temperature monitoring is very important, if you are not the first time pay attention to the roar of the cooler and fired knees "hot" aluminum housing. You can navigate to these features (speed of coolers and heating of the case), but it is better to use a special tool for monitoring.
One of the best specialized tools is iStat Menus 5. It provides the most detailed monitoring of all system parameters, including temperature sensors all installed. In addition, it can help to adjust the fan speed, as well as to find out what applications are CPU intensive.
Install Mac on a solid surface
Banal, seemingly, advice that still many neglect. Working in bed or having imposed fluffy pillows on the sofa, you will almost certainly get a high heating effect, depending on the intensity of the work. This is due to the fact that blocking the ventilation holes and broken natural Air circulation around the Mac housing, which is also a great additional radiator, dissipate heat.
Therefore, if you can not work at the table, try to set up a computer on hard surfaces. In bed, you can use a special stand, table, or simply a great book, set on a pillow.
Avoid sources of heat and poor ventilation
Previous tip touched the MacBook owners, and this is addressed to the owners of iMac and Mac Pro. Some users do not attach importance to the correct location of their desktops, but in vain. For example, the iMac should not move up close to the wall, so as to violate the natural ventilation. Mac Pro is not necessary to hide under a desk or in tight niches shelves. No need to have the computers and next to the heating radiator, fireplace or any other heat source. Moreover, not recommend using Mac smokers with temperature above 35 ° C.
Do not forget about prevention
Whatever may be the clean your room or office, they still have the dust that accumulates in the cooling system Mac. It is therefore important to regularly clean the dust - especially if you frequently work on the move - and the replacement of thermal paste. If you do not do this, over time, dust will score gap thermal interface radiator (or even ventilation holes), and your Mac will turn into a noisy stove that nothing good neither for you nor for him turn.
To clean the dust on the air vents can be a soft brush or a vacuum cleaner, a pre-reducing its speed to a minimum. About once a year, your weight will not interfere with cleaning disassembly, or at least remove the cover.
"Advice - it's good - you might say - but with them, and everything is clear." What if the Mac is basking in the performance of work tasks? How to reduce the heat and its effects in the case of regular load?
Do not neglect regular warm-up even to 80-90 ° C. This uncritical temperature, but, if it lasts for several weeks or more, there is a likelihood of adverse effects. Here is an example from my own experience. On my old MacBook Pro I was working with text and photos, downloading it is rarely full. 3.5 years "concrete" I shipped him only twice: during the passage of Diablo III, and when installed in FCP accumulated family video (both times in the evening for a few weeks). It would seem that not much of a burden, but two years later she auknulos failure of the GPU. On the new MacBook Air I most do not, but have done differently.
Apple computers work with an emphasis on the use of comfort, so cooling system starts to work actively in achieving the already relatively high temperatures. Usually coolers do not hear to 70-75 ° C., and then they begin to unwind. Change the behavior of the system is possible by means other than the free app Macs Fan Control.
We just need to select the fan (if you do not have one) and change the control method by clicking the button "On the basis of the sensor." Next, choose the option "Based on the sensor" and choose the hottest component (I have this CPU Core, since the built-in graphics). It remains only to set the maximum temperature and the temperature at which begin to increase fan speed. I've got this 65 and 45 ° C respectively. Utility can be added to autorun at system startup and forget about all the problems of overheating.
By following the above tips, you are sure to lower the temperature of your the Mac, which in turn will allow you to not have to worry about overheating. As a rule, a simple common sense and periodic monitoring for this is enough. If, however, described the recommendations did not help you, and Mac continued to roar and heated, as the stove, do not delay and contact the service center.