7 life hacking to move without the headache
Tips / / December 19, 2019
1. packing plan, sturdy packaging and kilometers of Scotch
Start gathering in the street with the preparation of the container. More than half of the success depends on how well you put things. Cope with the task will help correct packaging. Correct - it is sturdy and the right size. The whole package is worth on the boxes with tape "pupyrkami" stretching thin film and adhesive tape kilometers. But ordinary garbage bags are too thin and do not protect from damage. Therefore, if you need a bag, take a high-strength, such as construction.
Continue to prepare for the move drawing up the plan of packing things. Highlight a place or a private room, which will treat the folded things that they do not interfere with others to collect.
The boxes should not be too large, the weight of each box is not more than 30 kg, but it is better not to add one more than 20 kg. The question is not only the convenience of loaders, but also in the preservation of things.
2. The formula for success: the honest Carrier + mighty movers
Like boxes or pack, and will depend too much on the carrier. When selecting always look at what cars the company offers. If the organization is one type of machine for all occasions, it is not necessary to rely on the speed and quality.
To avoid possible misunderstandings, discuss all the details of the move, including the cost, with the same representative of the transport company. The more contacts, the more likely that somewhere something goes wrong. Obviously, it would seem, generally, but not all follow him.
Ask that they can loaders: for example, whether they can assemble furniture. Do not hesitate to clarify the safeguards and ask that you call the exact price. Otherwise the risk to agree on a sum, and after unloading to face dissatisfied porters who want to add more as much.
On a normal search of the carrier may take a few days. If you do not want to move the price was exorbitant, it is necessary to ring round a few companies and make a comparison chart. And take time to find truthful reviews of the carrier.
Life hacking for quick search - service "lucky All».
This is a platform on which you place an order with a detailed description of the move, and carriers are traded for your order, reducing the price. As a result, the comparative table prepared herself, and you carry things with savings up to 72% compared with the market.
You do not waste time on phone calls and searching for carriers, this is especially true for long-distance journeys, because not all companies agree on many kilometers of traffic. Information on carrier and his work is stored in the database service, so you can immediately decide to agree to cooperate or not. Documents in all service carriers have already checked.
You can be sure that the carrier offered price will not change. You pay only as much as you have been offered at auction.
Service "Lucky all" gave a few tips for working with a website that will help you quickly find and select the transport company:
- Always look at the reviews. They the main indicator of the quality of the work carrier.
- Do not hesitate to bargain. Carriers are ready to meet and to concede.
- Describe in detail the goods. The thoroughness of the description depends on the accuracy of the prices.
Add site "Lucky all» bookmark while reading an article. Moving may need at once, and the service will be on hand.
3. The list of things and signature boxes
Make it easier to move and nothing to lose, collect things from one room to the box, which mark the same color. It's easier to find things in a new place.
It is best to stick to each box indicating the list of exactly what it is, and make an inventory of itself on colored paper. Sheet attach completely prokleivaya tape surface. This time-consuming work, but it is worth the time spent. And if each box to assign a number, count, everything is unloaded, it is much easier.
We have prepared templates for labels large and small boxes. Download them, print out and attach to the box. Done, now you do not have to turn everything upside down in search of some little things.
4. The most valuable ship last
One box should contain the most valuable things and documents. It should take next to him, no one to trust.
Another box should include a reserve of basic necessities that will be useful in a new place. If you are traveling late at night and want to parse only thing the next morning, the box will be bed linen and toiletries. If you immediately start to arrange transported to places, add to the tools.
Mark the box marked "Shipping the latest, the first to open."
If you move over long distances, prepare a box with emergency reserve, which will be all that will survive without other things, if the load for some reason delayed. This box also Bring with you.
5. Plan unloading and placement
On this point, many people forget. And at the arrival point it becomes clear that there is no place to put the box, refrigerator does not pass, and after unloading furniture "happy" peeled corners.
So, a few days before moving to prepare a room for reception of things.
Measure the height and width of doorways. If they are too narrow or low cargo may have to call the masters and temporarily remove the doors and jambs. In any case, the door wrap polyethylene film, or scratches and chips are inevitable. With the help of the same film and adhesive tape Protect corners of furniture.
Try to release all of the furniture communicating rooms and corridors, so as not to interfere with the unloading. Make a plan for what and where it will be put. If you will mark the box in different colors to mark the area in the new apartment.
And be sure to perform cleaning. Nothing should stand in the way of movers: in the broken vase blame not stumbled on the cloth of the worker.
6. Departure at dawn and in the output
It is tempting to carry all the stuff in the morning and spend the day to decompress or to plan the move for a while after work. But it is in these hours the streets are loaded transport - you can lose a few hours in traffic jams. Therefore, order transportation to companies that agree to work early in the morning, before the start of the movement, or over the weekend.
7. Haggle with the carrier, do not skimp on transport
"A friend has a roomy car, and if you have something to dip into their then seven to ten flights as though everything can be transported" - is one of the biggest mistakes you can make.
Firstly, do not try on small cars to transport large items and furniture. Even in a pickup truck does not need to haul a refrigerator and a wardrobe. No, the "normal" they will reach: home appliances and furniture large moves by certain standards. Learn, for example, rules refrigerator transportation and specify, whether it complies with all the conditions of the transport company.
Second, calculate the consumption of gasoline and energy on several flights and say goodbye to savings on transport companies.
Third, consider the time and flash tube.
Make a good freight from a reliable company, and move everything in one or two runs. Save not only money but also your nerves.
So, to no headache to carry all the things you need:
- Prepare well and pack.
- Choose a carrier with the help of service "Lucky all."
- Sign each box.
- To lay down the most important box of necessary items separately.
- Prepare a place to move.
- Select time.
- Order the appropriate transport and move without any problems.