Advertising on the web is becoming increasingly important due to the general tendency to save money and pay only for what works. But we are with you, as a user, it threatens an increase in advertising pressure in the form of video advertising or even online video advertising is not always appropriate in this case. Today we look at another way of dealing with advertising.
Google Chrome has not yet got a plug-in to get something like adblock Plus in Firefox. However, since the foundation of the Web, there are other ways to block ads, in particular, you can use the hosts file for this purpose. The second way is to use a proxy server, a fairly common way to avoid having to interfere with the browser. Both of the proposed methods have obvious drawbacks, but I will not dwell on them, but rather suggest another way that is not new, but quite effective.
AdSweep - a user script, which is able to block ads. In my opinion, it is more "easy" way to intervene in the browser, and for Chrome and Opera, virtually the only one. Support for user scripts in Opera realized for a long time and you will not encounter any problems, but in Chrome depending on the version you may have a little
tinker. Detailed installation instructions can be found at website project.Note that disabling the ethics of advertising - a moot point, because many interesting resources, including ours could not exist without sponsors.