What to do right now, if you're going to get a drink in the evening
Tips / / December 19, 2019
Alcohol causes irreparable harm to the body. You yourself know about it. But sometimes there are situations when it is impossible not to drink. For such cases we tell how to minimize the damage to health and help your body. Even more useful articles on how to make use of alcohol as safe as possible and to help themselves in the event of food poisoning, seek here.
The reason for poor health
Hangover - it postintoksikatsionnoe state. Alcohol enters the gastrointestinal tract, and then almost immediately absorbed into the bloodstream. During decay ethanol Ethanol, acetaldehyde and gastrointestinal flora acetaldehyde released into the liver - poison that poisons our organism. With small doses of his liver can cope on their own, but the more it is able to neutralize not, therefore, the toxins back into the circulatory system and continue to "walk" through the body, causing symptoms poisoning.
Headache, nausea, sweating, weakness, irritability, increased sensitivity Alcohol and the nervous system
to light and sound - all this results the impact of alcohol on the body. With these symptoms the body sends us signals for help. Taking pain medication, you will not be saved from poisoning, but only for a while zamaskiruete it. The only way to help yourself - bring the body of all harmful substances. This is what makes sorbents.Admission Regulations sorbents
Let's see how to take sorbents for example. Vova 30 years old, he weighs 80 kilograms. Vova night wants to go to a friend's birthday, which will be drinking champagne and vodka. In vain he. The champagne contains carbon dioxide, which irritate the stomach and increases its ability to absorb alcohol. Besides Vova going to mix drinks, which are made of different materials. But in the morning he had to go to work and it should feel good. When Vova is best to take the sorbent, not to get drunk to helicopters and avoid a hangover? Let's calculate together with the "Polisorbents».
Before the feast
To avoid a hangover, you need to take the sorbent for an hour before the feast, before going to bed and the next morning after a party. Yes, just before and after the use of alcohol during a party to take the sorbent does not make sense. one dose "Polisorb": instructions for use «Polysorb» for a person weighing 60 kilograms - 1-2 tablespoons slide, dissolved in half glass of liquid - water, stewed fruit, pulp or juice without weak tea. So Vova need to drink three doses.
How it works
The first dose "polysorb"Prepare Vova organism to alcoholic libation. Being in the intestine, the sorbent can absorb at once produced acetaldehyde and prevent toxic effects on many organs. Intoxication occurs, but not so fast, and there is no unfortunate consequences such as alcohol coma.
Imagine that Vova could not accept "polisorb"To the feast. What to do in this case? We'll have to take one dose of sorbent 5 times over the next day with an interval of one hour and 4 more doses on the second day with the same frequency.
How it works
Through the bloodstream alcohol enters the liver, and the toxins deactivated there. The other part is sucked back into the gastrointestinal tract and from there into the bloodstream. This vicious circle is repeated until, until all the harmful substances are not completely removed from the body.
Taking "polisorb"At an interval of an hour, Vova help his liver. The sorbent will remove toxins from the intestines, and they will not return to the circulatory system. But this process is quite long, so will have to be treated prior to the moment when Vova does not feel good. On average, it takes two days.
That is better to think in advance and enjoy the sorbent prior to the feast, after the last shot glasses and the next morning to be in great shape and not suffer a hangover.
A brief reminder
- The purpose of sorbents - bring the body of all harmful substances. Sorbents do not mask the symptoms and help get rid of the causes of poor health.
- If you know of future libations advance, sorbents take up a feast before going to bed and the next day - so they will work more effectively. But be prepared for the fact that you do not feel drunk.
- If you do not have time to take the sorbent to a feast - treated them for the next two days.
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