Pavel Durov named 7 reasons why the commission in the App Store should worry everyone
News Ios / / January 04, 2021
The head of Telegram again recalled how one of the most expensive companies in the world imposes a "30% tribute" on ordinary developers.
Pavel Durov continues his war against Apple and its monstrous policy in the App Store. In another post on his Telegram channel, he toldwhy this problem affects every iPhone owner. Below are 7 reasons.
1. Higher prices
Apple's 30% commission on all content in the App Store increases the cost of apps and digital purchases. It goes beyond what you pay developers for any service or game.
2. Censorship
Apple is censoring apps in the App Store, which it needs full control over to collect the 30% tax. In addition, Apple prohibits developers from telling users that certain content was hidden at the company's request.
3. Decreased privacy
To install the app on your iPhone, you first need to create an Apple account and log in to it. After that, each of your applications and each received notification will be linked to your account, which will track your actions. The main reason for the need to connect an Apple account is precisely Apple's desire to push the tax at 30%.
4. Delayed updates
You receive new versions of applications a few days or several weeks after they are released by the developers. The delay is due to the fact that Apple's moderation team often delays approving updates for no apparent reason. With the billions in app commissions, Apple could have hired additional moderators, but no. The developers have been waiting and will continue to wait.
5. Less apps
Apple's 30% commission is added to the rest of the developer spending: taxes (VAT ≈ 20%), salaries, development costs, equipment, marketing. In a hypothetical world without Apple's commissions, many apps would be profitable, but since in the real world Apple is forced to give it a third of its revenue, they are often not viable.
6. More advertising
Due to the 30% commission, many apps have to serve ads to somehow cover the costs. Apple's policy is economically pushing the entire Internet industry to sell data and consumer attention.
7. Decreased application quality
The billions of dollars that developers give to Apple could go towards improving the quality of popular apps. However, instead, they gather dust in Apple's offshore accounts and do not benefit humanity, while while the developers who gave this money are trying to find resources to improve their developments.
In conclusion, Pavel noted that this egregious situation with the "30% tribute" has persisted for about 10 years. It would seem that such a model cannot exist for a long time, but Apple manages to confuse the public in various ways. How exactly - he wrote already in another article.
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