Today we take a brief overview of the Wi-Fi router AirPort Express, the youngest of epplovskih routers. He is often overshadowed by its AirPort Extreme and Time Capsule older brothers and therefore not taken seriously by many. Actually, this humble router has a rather formidable abilities and with the full use can be a nerve center of your wireless network. It should be understood not just by the word wifi network, but also wireless printing, wireless music and other. And if in the case of the other router is required to go to the sysadmin course, the AirPort Express, as well as any another Apple product, perfectly understands what you want from him submissively and carries his service three times longer competitors.
What is the AirPort Express?
Basically AirPort Express - a wireless router that supports the standard IEEE 802.11a / b / g / n and operating simultaneously in two frequency bands: the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz. Work on the two frequencies is an advantage in the eyes of any practical human: the overwhelming majority of Wi-Fi-routers around you, Bluetooth-devices, microwave ovens - they all operate at a frequency of 2.4 GHz, creating interference on this frequency channels, so AirPort Express ability to switch, if necessary, the frequency of 5 GHz - a very useful function.
Again, most modern network interface cards support the IEEE 802.11n standard, which means that virtually any device - be it iPhone, iPad and the MacBook, - be able to work with this frequency. the net number of simultaneous users is limited to 50, which is perfect for home or small office. In addition to the port Ethernet WAN, in the AirPort Express has one LAN port, in which, for example, you can plug your desktop PC does not have Wi-Fi module. The initial station setup is really very simple. Networking, job name and password is done in three clicks, both on the Mac and on iPhones or iPads without using any special software.
What are the benefits?
But we love the AirPort Express is not for it (or rather, not only for it). Look at the picture below and you will realize that this villain makes wireless everything it touches.
Specifically, on the back side there is a USB-printer output and 3.5 mm jack for speakers.
I tested both and the verdict is simple: everything works perfectly. Printer after uncomplicated setup even began to print documents from the iPhone and the speaker setting is generally not require any special effort. Just specify that AirPort Express only supports AirPlay technology and will broadcast the sound from only a limited number of programs in the column. And if iOS is almost fully compatible with AirPlay and outputs the sound from any application in which there is a video / music on the OS X or Windows that will only iTunes. Therefore, use the computer speakers paired with AirPort Express is not recommended - no play or a movie on the Internet to see. But some big old sound system, standing in the living room, fit perfectly.
Praise Apple for beautiful design has become mauvais ton, so just look at the pictures and enjoy.
pleasant trifle
Not to mention such a beautiful function as a "guest network", which is created when the optional network that you can leave nezaparolennoy without compromising security. Guest network provides access to the Internet, but does not give access to the AirPlay, printers, and other network settings. Guest network saved me from having to dictate the guests, my 45-digit password with uppercase, lowercase and Greek symbols and also gave altruistic feel, when I went on vacation and left neighbors nezaparolenny Wi-Fi to 100 MB / sec.
Guest network saved me from having to dictate the guests, my 45-digit password with uppercase, lowercase and Greek symbols and also gave altruistic feel, when I went on vacation and left neighbors nezaparolenny Wi-Fi to 100 MB / s
But there are disadvantages?
Serious shortcomings can be identified the inability to work with VPN - AirPort Express only supports the data passthrough. Therefore, if the provider is awarded you with a VPN connection (such as a home Internet Beeline), the AirPort Express will not fit. It should dispel the myth of the strong heating station - fry eggs will fail unless the tea warm up a bit.
For the year tenure AirPort Express author never faced with the need to restart the plant, which distinguishes it from classmates, which require periodic and migration reboot. AirPort Express stably keeps well and does not cut the signal speed (at least 100 Mbsek).
In general, AirPort Express deserves a solid top five and is one of the best routers for home use. Many are upset price, but once is better to buy a good router that will last 5 years, than to change the cheap every 1.5-2 years.