Find and eliminate time wasters - examine Yaware time accounting system
Tips / / December 19, 2019
Favorite aphorism of my boss - "If it can not be measured, it can not be improved" ( "If you can not measure it, you can not improve it" - Lord Kelvin). In the "I feel" or "I think" in business today does not go far. In this article we will focus on the most valuable resource - time. Time - a resource that is difficult to measure. Very often our idea of how much time was spent on the job, is strongly at odds with reality. And if we talk about these time wasters like social networks, chat or Youtube - like and do not do anything, but an hour or two is gone.
So - to measure and even to measure time. Since my work is mainly connected with the computer, it was decided to rid yourself of the tedious recording what and how long I've been doing and try automatic time and attendance system. He stopped at the Yaware - for himself on the free version. There is a paid version of the business, but more on that later.
Installation took less than 3 minutes. Member, has established Yaware-client on your computer.
In the system tray appeared Yaware green icon when you hover the cursor, you can see their streaming statistics. From this moment the program starts automatically determine which site can be seen at the moment, what program is active, and that much time is spent.
Thus Yaware automatically determines how productive is the elapsed time and immediately divides it into 3 categories - productive, neutral and non-productive.
Taken an overview of the "usefulness" - for example, Youtube default unproductive time, but you can easily change it yourself, if you use your channel to work in this way:
The graph shows the picture of the day
Thus, you can easily determine how much time is spent on the job, and how much goes, alas, in vain. On the other hand, there is the opportunity to see what smaller tasks, which can be hard to remember at the end of the day, it took time and do not blame themselves for nothing. On the chart, you can see how much time to get to work without interruption, because, as we know, the result is better, if you work "in the flow".
Optionally, you can receive reports on email, which will tell how the productivity of yesterday was higher or lower than the day before.
Of course, more functionality in the paid version, it was he and solve business problems.
IN demo ( the site has a test data, you can go to see how it looks in practice in the business version.
Additional functionality of the paid version includes a group of employees by department, the appointment of a manager to control and data management within their department, screenshots and snapshots of web cameras and even some additional settings.
Indispensable for a leader is the ability to view the work of their staff data, regardless of location, as all information is stored in the company's profile on the site. It is also possible for different departments to set a different productivity programs and Web sites, and thus take into account the specificity of work.
We measured - improve. Yaware - useful tool which helps to organize the work better, analyze your time and improve productivity.
Try to practice work for business programs, you can register at link. Personal free account you can register for an understanding of all the nuances of Yaware here.
P.S. And what are your most expensive time wasters?