15 items that it's time to throw out
Tips / / December 19, 2019
We do not even know how harmful is stored in our closets and refrigerators, except mayonnaise and food additives. Around us is full of objects with which we maintain the purity and freshness, store food, save... We think that they are helping us, and in fact they are long overdue to throw they addled. So prepare garbage bags, pull the gloves, proceed to general cleaning.
1. Plastic food containers
First step: go to the shelf on which lay plastic food containers. We turn them upside down and carefully look at the markings. If the dishes are encountered designations "7», «PC», «PC», A (BPA), S (BPS), then throw out the plastic without pity. Toxic plastic in the kitchen accessories are becoming increasingly rare, but it is still possible to stumble. This dish definitely have nothing to do in the house of a healthy person, it has long been morally outdated.
2. air fresheners
Air fresheners in the home is not a place. Although manufacturers are competing in the race, and safety products, still in cans and jars full of chemistry, including substances which in high doses can damage the reproductive system and the negative impact on development body. Of course, we do not breathe fresheners constantly. But why do you even small doses
chemistryIf you can eliminate the cause of bad smell, but do not spray lavender flavor?3. antibacterial soap
Antibacterial soap - it's a great marketing gimmick. This is not a medical antiseptic soap, and the difference between ordinary and antibacterial soap is practically no. But the side effects - full wagon. This bacterial resistance to triclosan (main component an antibacterial soap), and a negative effect on hormones in animals (revealed by the Ministry of Health Research and Human Services at 2014). Although studies have not confirmed the similar effect of triclosan on the people better refuse from experiments on himself.
4. Toothbrushes
How often do you need to change your toothbrush? Once in two months. Yes, everyone knows that. And how many of your schotke fulfilled? If clean teeth twice a day, the brush comes into disrepair very quickly, even if it looks like new. Maximum lifetime - three months after teeth cleaning becomes several times less effective.
5. Everything that annoys you
We need to think not only about physical health, but also mental. If you do not like something, it is better remove the irritating object far away. For example, once a garbage can. Old Stand for footwear, furniture ugly or stupid flowered curtains can spoil mood in the morning. So throw away and do not regret.
6. leftover food
Save, of course, necessary, and the crisis does not allow to throw out food that is "more personal". But if you have in the fridge is food of animal origin, it must then wait no more than three days. During this time you should either eat it or freeze. Otherwise you'll have to throw out. You can, and enjoy the weekly soup, but Listeria (a genus of bacteria that cause severe and even fatal disease that can multiply at low temperatures), love him more.
7. Mascara
Old tube, which from time to time comes to make-up bag, it's time to get the last time. And for good reason: the liquid medium, just the same as in the carcass, - a home for bacteria. Service life in cosmetics for eyelashes is the same as that of a toothbrush - two or three months. Then dried up ink can not be sorry, because every time you use yourself gives a lot of bacteria directly to the eyes. Eyelashes are not just for BeautyBut also to protect the eye from dust and germs, and the old mascara can fully cancel the function.
8. Contact lenses
Closer than microbes with mascara, the eyes are matched only contact with germs lenses. You are always on time changing soft contact lenses? Or forgotten again? The smaller the period of service of the lens, the higher its quality, safety and price. But the old lens as you would any of its clean, always creates a risk. Conjunctivitis, inflammation, discomfort and even corneal ulcers - better entirely without lenses than with such consequences. Throw away the time.
9. Packaging of old spices
If you stand with jars spicesThat you open is extremely rare, you may need to replace their contents. Nothing particularly wrong with dry spices zavedet not, but the sense from oldest condiments will not: no taste or flavor. Dispose of old deposits and buy new spices in small portions.
10. Last year's sunscreen
Cream stayed last summer? It does not help to escape from burnsEven if you pour the whole jar at once. Over time, substances that protect the skin from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation, are destroyed. Premature aging, sunburn and dryness are not worth saving in the old cream.
11. Lip gloss
Whatever you use for care or treatment of the mouth, it quickly becomes a breeding ground for bacteria. Every time you lipstick and brush back in the tube, you have added to shine a portion of the microbes. What to do? Throw all that over half a year.
12. The filters in the air conditioner
It is time to include air conditioning in the office or at home, it's time to change filters. According to the Agency for the US Environmental Protection Agency, indoor air is worse than on the street, in 25-100 times. Air conditioners with cleaners can improve the situation, but if the filter is not replaced, dust, dirt and mildew just scatter around the room. Look in the manual of your devices and check the weather, how often to wash it, or update the filters.
13. Old bra
Embarrassed to remind, but even if this is your "happy" braIt can not be worn forever. Stretched cups and straps do not help to support the breasts, and therefore will not save from aging and deformation of the breast tissue.
14. Sponge for washing dishes
Hard to live Sponge washing dishes. Damp, humid, full range of germs, up to salmonella. After washing the wet sponge thrown in the sink and left. It makes no sense to explain how to feel good bacteria in the culture medium from food residues and water. Exit - use a washcloth (which dries faster than a sponge), or more often change the very lip, instead of waiting until it completely falls apart.
15. Plastic cutting boards
We used to think that in a tree microbes accumulated more than in the plastic that plastic boards are hygienic, they last longer. Almost all of it is true. Although recent research scientists at the University of Wisconsin and showed that the resin present in the wood, have antibacterial properties. Whatever it was, with time and appear on plastic scratches and cuts, left knives. And wash them completely unrealistic. So that the plastic cutting board should not serve the kitchen years. Throw away and buy new ones.