Since 2016, April 26 is officially celebrated as the Day of the Alien - this date was chosen based on the registry number of the planet on which the heroes landed in the first Alien - LV-426. And this is not only an important day for fans of the franchise, but also an opportunity to touch it for everyone else. The popular horror game Alien: Isolation is now being handed out on Steam with a 95% discount.
Price: 68.45 rubles
This game has received a lesser known sequel for mobile devices called Alien: Blackout. You can now pick it up for free - but only if you have Android: the iOS version is still paid (although it costs only 29 rubles). Considering that both versions are handed out in the US, it is likely that the promotion in the Russian App Store will begin a little later.
Price: Free
Price: 29 rubles
Also on Steam for 165 rubles instead of 829 (80% discount) you can
pick up first person shooter Aliens vs. Predator, in which you can choose a side: Aliens, Predator or Marines, the last defenders of humanity. As a bonus, you will receive a couple of additional cards.More Free Games🎮
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