April 22 was appointed a day off. You are happy?
News / / January 02, 2021
April 22, 2020 was made a new day off. It was on this date assigned All-Russian vote on amendments to the country's constitution.
Netizens reacted to this news in different ways: one is happy with any weekend, while others are surprised that they chose Wednesday.
April 22 is a day off! Hurray, comrades.
- Victor Bakhmatov (@BaViMih) February 27, 2020
The day of voting on amendments to the Constitution was announced. April 22 is expected at the polling stations….
And yes, it will be a day off ..
And yes, they are looking for it and will pay extra! 😜😜 pic.twitter.com/iK82w9brjM- Kerch🌸1244 and Charter🇷🇸 (@anderernet) February 26, 2020
I read that they have determined the voting day on amendments to the constitution.
April 22
On a fig in the middle of the week to do a day off?
They could have appointed any day, well, they would have done it on Friday or Monday.- Anny (@Flor_de_la_vida) February 26, 2020
On April 22, you already know what... but this strange idea haunts me - why on a weekday? Well, that is, it will all get up again in the middle of the working week, because everyone will have the maximum day off. And on Sunday if - at least preparation would be freer on Saturday ...
- Mikha Yakubenko (@yakubenko_m) February 26, 2020
April 22 is a day off. So everyone should go to their dachas on the 21st.. To start digging a vegetable garden in the morning.
- Universal Chaos (@vselenskyhaos) February 13, 2020
Everyone. Almost decided to vote on the amendment of the Constitution on April 22, 2020. But this is the 150th anniversary of the birth of V. I. Lenin. What do you think. Was the date specially chosen or did it coincide?
- Sergei Hubo (@CDdtiybr) February 26, 2020
How do you feel about this news? Looking forward to another day off in the middle of the week? Let us know in the comments.
Read also🧐
- How to relax in 2020: a calendar of weekends and holidays