10 tips on how to create an atmosphere of home hyugge
Tips / / December 19, 2019
Ekaterina Koval
Co-founder hyugge-coffeehouse "rosette and coffee."
About hyugge in Russia spoke last fall, when a book by Mike Viking "Hygge. Danish The Secret of Happiness». For comparison to October 2016 for «hyugge» Google gave 35.5 thousands of results, and from October 2016 to December 2017 - as many as 43.3 thousand. All over the world began to appear in the apartment hyugge style clothing is sold in hyugge style, there are articles about hyugge-cosmetics. Hyugge trend is sweeping the world.
No-one translation of the word in the Russian language. In the book The Viking (ideal surname to write about happiness Danish) lists the transfer options that help create a picture of hyugge: a feeling of comfort, attention, mood, comfort, hug, well-being and others.
But in fact hyugge - it is absolutely simple and straightforward thing felt each, especially in childhood. This sense of serenity, the vulnerability, the simple happiness.
In the book and on the Internet there are many tips on how to conceive hyugge, but not all of them are feasible in the city, especially during the cold season. We understand that the city is not so easy to find a fire or ignite a fire. Thus hyugge can help restore strength and is likely to make you happier, at least temporarily.
Below - 10 easy tips to help you create hyugge-atmosphere in your home and that you can apply right now.
1. Use candles and a few different light sources
During the day, we are haunted by the bright uniform illumination: in offices, shops, cafes. For a sense of comfort, in addition to the light and shade are needed. Appeared to shade, you need multiple sources that create islands of light. Soft lighting creates a pleasant and relaxing atmosphere.
Place the lamp on the table and onto the floor. It is better if they are with shades and shades of frosted glass. The smaller the bulb power, the warmer its light, so it is best to buy a simple incandescent lamp less than 150 watts.
Another option to get a muffled light - light the garland. And of course, candles - symbol of romance, which is easy to give himself every night.
2. Construct hyugge corner
To this end, quite a few small pillows and blankets. Remember, as in childhood house could get out of this, or even the entire castle? We were sitting in our building in a full sense of security from the outside world. Ideally, you can arrange a corner of the windowsill and watch the lights of the street and the house across the street, but you can select a place on the floor or on the couch, as long as you feel comfortable.
3. Turn off the gadgets
Arrange a digital-detox. You are sure to check messages and news tape, but later. Give rest to your eyes, mind and soul. By the way, according to a studyAffect of the Digital Age on Sleep, Stress and Mental Health80% of people breathe less, when they look in the phone or computer. And from a lack of oxygen, as is known, increases the level of stress, which we have enough. According to various sources, we check smartphones 150-200 times a day. So let's take time for yourself, rather than devices.
4. Wrap yourself in a blanket and put on knitted socks
Convenience and comfort - this is what you need after a hard day. Wear your favorite pants, which you would not go outside, and enjoy the freedom.
5. Sweets and hot drinks
Here everything is clear. Chocolate, cakes, pies, candy, coffee, tea, cocoa... What could be simpler and better? Among the most-most-hyugge sweets commonly referred to as cinnamon rolls, cakes "potato", a chocolate cake.
6. Print out the old photos
Remember albums with pictures? My favorite - the ones where you can make a signature for each such modern analogue Instagram. Now our photo spread on social networks. Spend an evening that to collect them, and print, make an album or a memorial wall.
7. Write a letter to someone, or yourself about the happiest moments
When we write, better aware of what happened, and once again experiencing moments of happiness. Write a letter to a loved one or yourself in the future.
8. Call friends and cook dinner together
Cover with a table with a tablecloth, candles, beautiful towels, flowers, beautiful crockery. It would seem that such a simple act, but it can bring together better than the common meal? But hyugge version in Russian: to stick with friends or relatives home ravioli or dumplings.
9. Buy anything from antiques
Buy a statuette, a lamp, a chair, or donate a second life to an old subject. How nice to find something different in a huge number of faceless products that we offer to the mass market. Especially since a lot of decent vintage stores where bring selected products from Europe.
Things with a history - it's nostalgia, emotion, and the other value in the eyes of their owner. Not necessarily throw a thing if it is outdated. For example, we have in a coffee shop, an old chair that we sheathed new fabric, it perfectly fit into the interior, and now always occupied by our visitors.
10. Meet your neighbors and make the corridor currency exchange books
Seriously, it is better to know who lives behind the wall. Believe me, these people have similar experiences, fears and joys. And after meeting with the neighbors, even their noise is not so annoying.
See also:
- All you need to know about hyugge - The Art of Happiness →
- The Dark Side of hyugge - Danish Art of Happiness →
- 10 ways to transform the apartment without buying new things →