How and how much to cook waves
Educational Program Food / / December 31, 2020
Add mushrooms to hot dishes, baked goods, pickles, marinate or freeze.
How to prepare waves
Go through the mushrooms, wormy and spoiled, discard. Clean the caps and legs of pine needles, soil and forest debris. Cut out discoloration and other minor damage with a knife.
Pour the mushrooms with room temperature water. Add some salt, about 10 grams per liter, and citric acid on the tip of a knife. Leave to soak for 2-3 days. Change the water several times daily, adding salt and acid each time.
Rinse the waves after soaking. Cut large mushrooms into pieces so that they cook at the same time as small ones.
- How and how much to cook chanterelles
How many waves to cook
On average, the process takes 20 minutes. After that, boiled waves can be used in salads, make mushroom caviar from them, or baking stuffing. If another type of processing is planned further, then the time may change:
- for frying, stewing and baking - 15–20 minutes;
- for freezing - 15 minutes;
- for hot salting - 10-15 minutes;
- for pickling - from 15 minutes, depending on the recipe.
- How and how much to cook mushrooms
How to cook waves
Place the mushrooms in a saucepan and cover with water until they are completely covered. Add salt, a teaspoon per liter of liquid is enough. Bring to a boil and simmer over low heat. Stir occasionally and skim the foam off the surface.
Throw the finished waves in a colander.
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