Follow the service Premier online cinema "KinoPoisk HD" opened free access to your catalog until the end of April using the POKAVSEDOMA promo code. It can be used by all users who currently do not have a subscription, as well as those who previously subscribed for the trial period, but did not renew it.
Activating the promo code not only opens access to KinoPoisk HD, but also allows you to use the Yandex. Plus ", and this is" Yandex. Music "without restrictions, discounts in Yandex. Taxi "and other benefits. You can activate the promo code using a special link.
Online cinema "KinoPoisk HD" provides access to more than 7 thousand films, TV series and cartoons. You can get acquainted with all the content on the official website.
In conditions pandemics COVID-19, such promotions for online services are becoming the norm. For example, just yesterday, access to thousands of online courses opened Coursera, and Radio Arzamas is now donates to all comers a month of free subscription.
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